Monday, September 24, 2012



Earlier this month, a priest in the Archdiocese of New York included an endorsement of Mitt Romney in the Sunday bulletin.

Including an endorsement of a presidential candidate in the Sunday bulletin isn’t just illegal, it violates the sacred space of our sanctuaries. 40,000 Catholics and people of faith signed a petition asking Cardinal Dolan to clarify church policy that partisan politics has no place in the Catholic Mass.

The Mass is a time for us to reflect, pray, and worship God, not hear partisan political messages. As we get closer to election day, we could be seeing this in other parishes.  Either outright endorsements or partisan biased "Voter Guides." 

Our friends at Catholics United will be conducting a campaign to protect our parishes.  Anyone who becomes aware of inappropriate actions, fliers or bulletin announcements in their parish is urged to contact Jason Miller, Catholics United's parish protection coordinator at

Quick and speedy exposure of these actions are critically important.


Anonymous said...

Of course if we see anything we must report it to Big Brother. Puleeze!!

Kurt said...

No apologies. I believe our Lord is truly present in the Eucharist reserved in the Tabernacle. If there is an abuse, I will protest.

Anonymous said...

Oh, how holy of you, Kurt. And if the priest said to vote for Obama you'd be doing cartwheels down the middle aisle.

Kurt said...

Not only are you wrong on that, but you assert to someone you don't know that I put politcs above respect for the Blessed Sacrament. I think the later is yoru great wrong.

Katherine said...

I would suggest you read the above post from this blog during the 2008 election.

Anonymous said...

Whatever. You and Katherine both ascribe to people all kinds of things. Your comment is the classic pot calling the kettle black.

Katherine said...


I'm sorry you don't find respect for the Blessed Sacrament to be a priority for you.

Anonymous said...

And are you going to put one of your fake "anonymous" comments on here as before. You know the kind that give people the impression that I am saying something blasphemous against the Blessed Sacrament. I am not in the least worried about my standing with the Lord as I don't support pro-abort, pro-gay "marriage" candidates. As said before, you have a penchant to be the pot calling the kettle black.

OhioSlovak said...

If a priest tries passing out campaign lit in the church, yes, I will be calling him out. I don't care for which candidate. It is just wrong.