We all need prayer. Each morning, at 8:30 am Central Time, the Obama campaign will pause for prayer. If you would like to join with the Obama campaign for prayer at this time, you are invited to participate by conference call. The dial in number is 1-866-228-9900 (toll-free). This morning's prayer was led by Joshua DuBois, National Faith Outreach Director for the Obama campaign. For the passcode, please email me and I will send it to you. If you cannot participate in the morning prayer call in, we also have a large group praying the rosary for Barack Obama. We will post more on that later. God bless all of you.
I'll be praying - but not for Obama. I'll be praying for those Catholics who think abortion is a non-issue.
tremendous. I am grateful Obama is doing this.
I am glad your are praying the rosary. I know the Blessed Mother will intercede, but not likely in the way that you wish. The Blessed Mother is quite partial to Pre-born children and does not view them as "a mistake, that one should not be burdened with".
The Blessed Mother does watch over the unborn, the poor, the migrant, the sick and the unemployed. Some have no faith in her. Maybe she stirs some hearts to reach out and help women in crisis pregnancies, the infirm, the disabled and the poor. Maybe she moves societies to certain legal arrangements. But don't tell her she can only work one way.
There's one thing she won't be doing and that's helping Obama win.
and she won't be blessing McCain's "marriage" to Cindy.
And any campaign that is pro-abortion and stops every morning to "pray" is taking the Lord's name in vain!!!
Anonymous, if sinners never said a prayer, we'd ALL be lost.
However, the key to prayer is "thy will be done".
IMO, the BEST thing that can be done for the Obama campaign is to pray for him to know, love, and serve God.
Then the anti-life positions will take care of themselves.
As we are ALL sinners, when we pray, we do so with a desire in our hearts that God will change us somehow. For these staunchly pro-abort Obama supporters to pray is a joke. What are they praying for? That Obama will win? Certainly they are NOT praying that he will change his stance on abortion. Those people are certainly taking the Lord's name in vain.
Thanks for the passcode, Katherine!
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