Catholic Democrats applaud Sen Obama's support for churches and other religious groups
Catholic League defiles itself in attacks on Obama's plan to help those in need
The Catholic Democrats spoke out Wednesday in support of efforts by Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama to reinforce the ability of faith-based organizations to strengthen our nation's social safety net. The Catholic Church in the United States has a long tradition of addressing the needs of the poor and the underserved, and continues to provide much-needed social services in neighborhoods and communities throughout the country.
Bill Donohue and the Catholic League today attacked Senator Obama's proposed expansion of social services by church and other faith groups. Senator Obama believes that religious organizations of many faiths have a special expertise in serving the unmet needs of people across the country, particularly at a time of such widespread economic distress.
At the same time, the Catholic Democrats call on Donohue and the Catholic League to cease their relentless partisan broadsides on Senator Obama. Donohue confirmed that he had not read the details of Senator Obama's proposal to magnify the role of faith-based organizations in their critical work.
Dr Patrick Whelan, president of the Catholic Democrats, issued the following statement: "Yesterday, Senator Obama pledged to elevate faith-based organizations and strengthen the relationship between government and these critical partners who help people in need every day. Indeed, Senator Obama held out the good works of groups like Catholic Charities as model examples of successful faith-based and government partnerships. But Catholic League President Bill Donohue chose to mark the occasion by launching another installment of his near weekly partisan attacks on Barack Obama."
"Bill Donohue wants to smear Senator Obama's authentic attempts to elevate the important role of religion in public life and that's shameful," said Dr Whelan. "If he had read any portion of Senator Obama's remarks or the details of the plan, he would quickly learn that under the Obama administration, faith-based groups will receive more funding, more support, and a higher profile as government partners. How exactly is that 'gutting religion,' as Mr Donohue charges?"
Dr Whelan continued, "It appears that Donohue and other partisan operatives are scared that Senator Obama is achieving something they've never been able to do: authentically holding up the best religion has to offer society without using it to divide people."
Dr Whelan continued, "It appears that Donohue and other partisan operatives are scared that Senator Obama is achieving something they've never been able to do: authentically holding up the best religion has to offer society without using it to divide people."
Catholic Democrats, like so many other people of faith, are tired of religion being used as a wedge and continue to urge Mr. Donohue and his collaborators to stop launching partisan smears from a 501(c)3 non-profit, whose noble mission has been greatly tarnished by such attacks.
Here refute this! It's by a real Catholic Pro-life writer not a fake like Sen. Casey and Prof. Kmiec.
Donohue is a certifiable nutcase, who tried to defend Cardinal Law of Boston in the media when it was proven that Law had covered up for all the perverted/gay priest child molesters in the Boston diocese Catholic church scandal!
William Donohue’s Big List of Bigots
Back at ya, Bill Donohue...
back at ya
Did I mention Donohue is a CERTIFIABLE NUTCASE!!!
take care
liberals hate Cardinal Law because he stood up to them and didn't tolerate their dissent. the Kennedys and the Kerrys used their money to drive him out of town. do they ever say anything about liberal bishops who were just as bad as Law? No! liberals always have a double standard.
bob said...
liberals hate Cardinal Law because he stood up to them and didn't tolerate their dissent. the Kennedys and the Kerrys used their money to drive him out of town. do they ever say anything about liberal bishops who were just as bad as Law? No! liberals always have a double standard.
Kennedy, Kerry lol. No, it was public opinion which drove the perverted Cardinal who covered up for his perverted, child molesting priests, out of town & back to the Vatican!
Also, of course, it was the bottom line which ran the disgraced fool from his Cardinal position as angry, disgruntled parishioners were withholding their Sunday contributions from the collection plate in the Boston diocese!
No ticky, no washy!
Praise the Lord & pass the collection basket! ...
take care
SHYSTER SAID: "...covered up for his perverted, child molesting priests...."
Hey Shyster, why didn't you say, "homosexual, child molesting priests?"
Robin Williams a bigot??? Really??? No it just couldn't be!!!
Robin Williams was well within his rights to say these things on the Jay Lame-o Show:
But last night Williams went off on Catholic priests, painting them all as pedophiles.
Williams pretended to be playing a game where the pedophile is hidden under a cup. “Here we go. Find the priest, find the pedophile. Find the priest, find the pedophile. Here you go right now. Move ‘em around, move ‘em around. Oh, you found the pedophile.”
Williams then put his hand over his groin, saying, “You have to realize that if you are a Catholic priest, you have retired this. That’s it—no more sex.” Then he took a shot at confession: “But they are going to put you in a small dark box and people are going to tell you the nastiest sexual stuff they have done.”
Bill Donohue, you must be OUT of your mind for saying that Robin Williams is a bigot!!!
So Shyster, you think there's something wrong with Bill Donohue, but Robin Williams is an OK kind of guy?
Shyster, Are you sure you're in the right blog? Isn't there a blog called Baptists for Obama that you're supposed to be in?
Shyster, do you think all Catholic priests are pedophiles?
And you call Bill Donohue a CERTIFIABLE NUTCASE??? Shyster, which nut tree did your mother pick you out of?
Your credibility, if you EVER had any is certainly shot all to HLLL.
You're a bigot Shyster. Now stand up and say something else stupid for us.
I thought Katherine was off the beam, but after your stupidass post she looks like St. Catherine of Sienna.
Check this out! Something that Obama would support!
British Toddlers Required to Like Foreign Food
Monty Python in its prime would have been at a loss to outdo the self-parody into which Britain's totalitarian political correctness has descended. In the name of combating "racism," toddlers are now required to like foreign foods:
The National Children's Bureau, which receives £12 million a year, mainly from Government funded organisations, has issued guidance to play leaders and nursery teachers advising them to be alert for racist incidents among youngsters in their care.
This could include a child of as young as three who says "yuk" in response to being served unfamiliar foreign food.
The NCB advises that such incidents must be punished; otherwise, "the lack of censure may indicate to the child that there is nothing unacceptable about such attitudes." Nurseries are urged to report all such thought crimes to local councils.
The next step will be the banning of native British foods, lest children prefer them to Pakistani fare.
Vote for Obama and we'll soon be unable to dislike foreign foods!!!
Bill Donohue said:
“Most 15-year-old Teenage Boys Wouldn’t Allow Themselves to be Molested”
You have a problem with that Shyster? When you were 15, would you have allowed a priest to molest you????
C'mon, let's hear it you big sissy.
So let me get this right: democrats hate Bush for giving money to faith based organizations - but they feel Obama is fresh and a "change agent" for continuing Bushes policies? Also, lets not forget Obama will require, in order to get the money, these religious organizations to hire non-believers, offer contraceptives and pay for employees' abortions.
DONOHUE SAID: “If a customer walked into a New York deli and said, ‘Let me have a hot dog on a roll—hold the frankfurter’—he’d likely be thrown out. That’s what the public should do to Obama’s faith-based initiative: since he wants to gut the faith from his faith-based programs, he should be told to junk it."
And that's pssing you people off. hahahahahaaaaa
It's true. Of course Obama people don't want to hear what's true.
Donohue "certifiable nutcase"!!!
That's what a dunce said about him!
Y'all need to get a life.
Catholics for Obama, huh?
Let's see what the Holy Father says:
"As far as the Catholic Church is concerned, the principal focus of her interventions in the public arena is the protection and promotion of the dignity of the person, and she is thereby consciously drawing particular attention to principles which are not negotiable. Among these the following emerge clearly today:
- protection of life in all its stages, from the first moment of conception until natural death;
- recognition and promotion of the natural structure of the family - as a union between a man and a woman based on marriage - and its defense from attempts to make it juridically equivalent to radically different forms of union which in reality harm it and contribute to its destabilization, obscuring its particular character and its irreplaceable social role;
- the protection of the right of parents to educate their children.
These principles are not truths of faith, even though they receive further light and confirmation from faith; they are inscribed in human nature itself and therefore they are common to all humanity. The Church’s action in promoting them is therefore not confessional in character, but is addressed to all people, prescinding from any religious affiliation they may have. On the contrary, such action is all the more necessary the more these principles are denied or misunderstood, because this constitutes an offense against the truth of the human person, a grave wound inflicted onto justice itself."
Now...what part of NOT NEGOTIABLE don't you understand?
Either Catholic or For Obama. No middle ground.
fat kid said,
Now...what part of NOT NEGOTIABLE don't you understand?
fat kid,
they understand but they ignore, rationalize and evade Obama's support not only for abortion but infanticide.
Robin Williams is a comic. Donahue is a loud nobody with an opinion. Law protected pedophiles, both gay and straight. In the US we enjoy a separation of Church and State
I am Catholic, Gay and for Obama and don't want to see the constitution watered down any more that the current insane administration has done so including separation of church and state. If you have an issue with that, to quote Kathy Griffin, "Suck it!"
(Kathy Griffin is also a comic. Learn what that means and you can quickly get you panties out of a wad. For such opinionated people, you have such little faith and very thin skin.)
RUSTLER: Oh really Steve, the two are mutually exclusive I suppose?
I don't care if he is a dam plumber. He got on the Jay Limb-O show and insulted Catholics, but since you don't believe in the Catholic Faith you're not insulted and think it was all in good humor.
STEVE WHINES SOME MORE: Donahue is a loud nobody with an opinion.
RUSTLER: I suppose his opinion's being the correct opinion is merely coincidental.
Liberal Definition of Loudmouth -- someone who tells the uncomfortable embarrassing truth.
STEVE LIES: Law protected pedophiles, both gay and straight.
RUSTLER: So I see you're in there protecting the homosexuals from embarrassment. No wonder you don't like Donohue. The priests you're talking about were not straight they were homosexuals. To the tune of over 90% of all abuse was of males over the age of puberty. The definition for that is pederasty or for the lay person homosexual predators. Why do we keep having to tell you this? It's because you lie about it.
STEVE BRAGS: "I am Catholic, Gay and for Obama and don't want to... "
RUSTLER: Let me finish that for you Steve. ...embarrass the homosexuals, admit the teaching of the Catholic Church, or vote for anyone that isn't a rabid Marxist.
ONCE AGAIN STEVE SAYS: "I am Catholic, Gay and for Obama and don't want to... "
RUSTLER: There's the problem right there Steve. You're just another pervert waiting for some young boy to seduce and you don't want anyone telling the truth about it.
Your criticism of Donohue is both understanding and telling.
so why does the Pope give communion to pro-choice politicans?
The Pope could not have known. He's been set up before.
"The Pope could not have known. He's been set up before."
You might want to look into what the Holy Father has said about the topic before shooting your mouth off like he doesn't think it's a big deal.
fat kid --
nice link. the right wing press spins a statement by the Pope so he has his statement explained that no one is excommunicated. Certainly no one is excommunicated for voting for someone while disagreeing with their views on abortion.
i think you unercut your own case.
The Holy Father just promoted Archbishop Burke, the guy who caught a media firestorm for saying pro-abortion politicians shouldn't be allowed to receive communion, to the position of Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura - the highest court the Church has.
...now what do YOU think the Holy Father believes? B16 said pro-abortion folks shouldn't receive (quotes given), then promoted a guy saying exactly the same thing to head the "Catholic Supreme Court".
If there was any significant disagreement, the promotion wouldn't have happened. Or do you think hierarchical appointments are no longer in any way political?
...now what do YOU think the Holy Father believes?
I think the Holy Father beleives this man was a pastoral disaster for St. Louis. Its not just me, a lot of folks have said this is the classic, "kicked upstairs" to get him out of a pastoral job and out of the country before the upcomign election. Bishops are not left in charge of a diocese for just four years on purpose. Even a known "up and comer" is given enough time to actually "do" something before he is moved on. Burke was a disaster that had to be fixed, but has too many politicaly powerful friends to demote.
...to head the "Catholic Supreme Court".
The Pope is the Catholic Supreme Court, not the Signatura.
If there was any significant disagreement, the promotion wouldn't have happened. Or do you think hierarchical appointments are no longer in any way political?
Sure they are political and I explained the politics above. But dozens of other bishops who disagree with Burke have been promoted as well. How do you explain that?
bill said: "So let me get this right: democrats hate Bush for giving money to faith based organizations - but they feel Obama is fresh and a "change agent" for continuing Bushes policies?"
I'll say from the outset that I am not at all comfortable with too strong a coupling between government and faith. It always leaves open the potential for abuse, on the part of government.
Having said that, I was supportive of Bush's faith-based initiative... until I saw it in action. And I think the same can be said for many middle-leaning Democrats.
But the Bush Administration did abuse his faith-based initiative program; using it to promote a political agenda rather than to promote the faith community's initiatives. Even people of faith working on the the faith-based initiative in Bush's own Administration had the same complaint.
Maybe, and I am, admittedly, skeptical on this, Obama can find a way to make it work. I personally wish he wouldn't "go there." But he has. And so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, just like I originally did for Bush, until he screws it up.
"You have a problem with that Shyster? When you were 15, would you have allowed a priest to molest you????
C'mon, let's hear it you big sissy."
I would hate to think of the possibility that a teenage victim of abuse, or a young person who had been a teenage victim of abuse, could come into this blog looking for something positive only to be hurt because some one posturing to be "more Catholic than thou" chose to use his Constitutionall-protected freedom of expression to sin against the virtue of charity.
Deus caritas est.
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