The latest polling shows Barack Obama with an incredible 50 point lead among Hispanic Catholic voters and a growing disconnect between Latinos and John McCain. McCain had won most Latino votes in his last Senate race but now is seeing Hispanic Catholics overwhelmingly say the plan to vote for Senator Obama.
We'll see.
Anyone else see the irony in choosing Our Lady of Guadalupe, the symbol of the Catholic prolife movement, being used for an Obama endorsement?
Thanks for the giggle.
Of course, under the Republican party, our Lady of Guadalupe would be deported as an illegal immigrant.
Our Lady chose to appear before a poor Mexican. Maybe we should have some respect for the political choices low income Mexican-Americans make rather than mocking them.
Which party is specifically anti-abortion in it's platform??? I believe the Democrats support it and it is the Republicans that are against it.
This is really bad for McCain. he is doing far worse than Bush. He will probably lose Nevada, New Mexico and Colorado because of the Hispanic vote. That gives the election to Obama if he can win all of the Kerry states.
Viva Obama!!!!
On another matter, McCain meets today with conservative Catholic Archbishop Charles Chaput
Of course Obama the Bible hater is ahead with hispanic catholics. They know absolutely ntothing about the Bible.
Oabam is not ahead with Protestants who know the Bible and who also write the greats songs of the church.
No one cares what catholics say anyway, the pope is a joke.
McCain has the lead in Colorado because of the Hispanics. He is taking the lead because God is talking to people.
I notice you publish lies on your comments. McCain is ahead in the Gallup poll.
Hispanics and blacks have never got along and they will not vote for a black now.
It is all hype.
'Sí, se puede'
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