Legatus, the organization of wealthy, conservative Catholics founded by multimillionaire Tom Monaghan, has been known to join in some of the more strident commentary about Catholics who might support pro-choice candidates even when done while disagreeing with their pro-choice stance. It was at a Legatus meeting that the infamous incident of Professor Kmiec's denial of communion occurred.
So it is surprising that a member of Legatus' Board of Governors, Keith Fimian, who is also a Republican candidate for Congress, indicated that he believes abortion was not an issue that matters in the election. While affirming his pro-life beliefs (to his credit) he told a reporter that social issues were irrelevant and "The issues that matter in this district are the economy, energy and transportation, to a lesser extent, immigration. There are some really important issues that we get to solve as a country."
Needless to say, if a Democrat dared say this....
This topic have a tendency to become boring but with your creativeness its great.
Needless to say, if a Democrat dared say this....
Democrats on this blog say it all the time. Obama's stance on abortion doesn't matter, at least not enough to effect how "Catholics For Obama" vote.
Obama for German Chancellor '09!
And the conservatives have a fit. Until one of their own says it.
Ok Kurt, you got me. I now promise not to vote for that important conservative figure, Keith Fimian for President in 2008. Happy?
Typcial Democrats, attacking the rich. Elect Obama and everyone can live off welfare.
I thought Kmiec was denied the Holy Eucharist at Mass. They have Communion during Legatus meetings?
If social issues are irrelevant, than what exactly is Obama's platform? I thought it was all about social issues. Certainly haven't heard much about energy policy from him.
I believe he is the Republican nominee for Congress in the 11th district of Virginia. I'll try to see that your advice is passed on to the undecided voters there.
On your part, you might suggest to Legatus that they appear to have leaders that switch around based on what is best for the Republican party.
On your part, you might suggest to Legatus that they appear to have leaders that switch around based on what is best for the Republican party.
Now lets look at your leader, Obama:
Changed his position on FISA 3 times in one weekend.
Switched on NAFTA, Nuclear Power, Missile Defense, and then switched back again! At a Jewish American Conference called Jerusalem the undivided capital of Isreal and the next day said he misspoke.
Was willing to meet with the leader of Iran unconditionally and now is not.
Lets not forget public financing, was in favor before he was against. For banning handguns until he wasn't. Believes the surge worked, I think, if you can get through his ummms, and uhhs, but then again would still vote against it.
However he has been firm on his staunch support of abortions.
Obama doesn't need to debate McCain, he can debate himself.
Legatus cares about the rich. Its simply a front for corporate America.
No, you say a sincere Act of Contrition. You might need help with the Lord more than i.
The Democrat party's national platform has for a long time supported intrinsic evils. Two of these specific evils are abortion on demand and same sex marriage. The Church defines these acts as intrinsic evils meaning no good can ever come from them. Any "Catholic" who supports or promotes these actions cannot be in "communion" with the Church.ie they are excommunicated.
Check with Gov Sibelius of Kansas, a nominal "Cathoilc" who's in that position. She'll fill you in and put the lie to the whole concept of your "Catholics for Obama"...
The Democrat party's...
No such political party exists. However, Republican hacks (not Catholics seeking truth) sometimes use that word to refer to the Democratic Party, which does not have a platform position calling for same sex marriage.
Anono, might I introduce you to Truth some day? Its seems the two of you have never met.
Legatus cares about the rich. Its simply a front for corporate America.
If thats the case is Catholics For Obama a front for NARAL?
"'Legatus' Leader Says Abortion Not an Issue that Matters"
I guess we can chalk up Legatus as nitwit.org
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