Sen. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, Pro-Life, Democrat
"I've been impressed by so much watching this campaign. I've been impressed by his compassion, his strength, his ideas.... He has appealed, as Abraham Lincoln asked us to do many years ago, to the better angels of our nature.... And I really believe that in the time of danger around the world and division here at home, Barack Obama can lead us, he can heal us and he can help us rebuild America."
I have been contacted by two young women who are involved in the pro-life Facebook group. They asked me for help in debating the issue.
The reason they contacted me is because they are so distraught to find that Pro-life does not mean Pro-life. They told me that of 2500 "Pro-life" people in that group they are the only two who really believe that abortion is wrong.
And here we have fine example of what they are talking about. Sen. Bob Casey claims to be "pro-life," but he backs a pro-abortion politician.
Apparently in addition to actually being pro-choice/abortion he is a hypocrit as well.
Happy 4th of July !!!
"I've been impressed by so much watching this campaign. I've been impressed by his compassion, his strength, his ideas...."
...his lies.
"Sen. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, Pro-Life, Democrat"
Isn't that kind of like being a pro-life abortionist?
This group should NOT call themselves "Catholic" and Bob Casey is only pro-life because he's "Catholic" If Casey were Methodist Luthern etc he'd be pro-abortion.
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