Jack Germond: "Dutrow may not be the most lovable trainer in the horse world, but his horse has done it all and will complete the Triple Crown. Again, however, a win ticket will be more valuable as a souvenir than at the window. I will play exactas and triples with Denis of Cork, Casino Drive and Anak Nakal. If you want a longshot, there is Ready's Echo, Pletcher's horse with John Velasquez riding, as good as it gets. If I don't cash a big ticket, I'll take it to the credentials committee."
Readers Digest's/ex-National Journal's Carl Cannon: "It's hard to pick against Big Brown, and racing fans would love to see a Triple Crown winner. I would too, but...there's an old saying at the racetrack: 'Ain't a man alive, Who paid the mortgage At 8 to 5.' Well, Big Brown is going to the post at odds that are much lower than 8-5 -- more like 1-5 -- and that's no way to make money, so I might put a couple of quid on Casino Drive, the colt from Japan with only two lifetime starts (!), and a little bit more on the horse with the Irish name -- the one that ran third in the Derby. Wish me luck, 'cause I'll need it against big bad Big Brown."
GOP strategist Jim Dornan: "The racing gods seem to be conspiring against Big Brown (2-5) and his bid for the Triple Crown. First, he sustains a minor hoof injury. Then, he draws the rail to start the race, where other horses could pin him in unless he uses some of his speed early in this mile and a half marathon. Couple that with the fact that the LAST TEN winners of both the Derby and the Preakness have failed in their Triple Crown bids and you've got a recipe for a losing ticket on the prohibitive favorite. The second choice, Casino Drive (7-2) is a solid horse, but I don't see him winning the Belmont after just 2 races. So, I'm going to go with three long shot closers, one of whom will nip Big Brown at the wire: Put Denis of Cork (12-1), Tale of Ekati (20-1), and Icabad Crane (20-1) over the favorite in an exacta part wheel."
Craig Edelman: "History will be made on Saturday afternoon as Big Brown (2-5) rolls to victory. His final workout on Tuesday, 5 furlongs in a minute flat, shows he remains in top form and all systems are go. The quarter crack in his hoof should pose no problem as he navigates Belmont's sweeping mile and a half oval and the inside post position he drew is also of no concern. The only questions remaining are his winning margin and who follows him to the wire. There's no real money to be won on this race, but the trifecta I'll play will have Tale of Ekati (20-1) getting up for the place and Casino Drive (7-2) rounding it out in 3rd place. This has been a tough season, but there's no better way to cap it off than with the first Triple Crown winner in a generation. Let's hope that all the jocks and horses get home safely and we'll see you this summer in Saratoga for the Travers."
McCain strategists have begun making their initial decisions as to which states they will contest in the fall. VT, MA, RI, NY, MD, DC, IL and HI were never under consideration for a Republican campaign (88 EV). Initial talk of trying to contest CA and NJ has also fallen off the wayside (70 EV). McCain has also decided to throw in the towel in ME, CT, and DE (14 EV). Yesterday's media buys and staff assignments by the McCain campaign suggest WA (11) is the latest state McCain simply does not have the juice to fight for. Polling data confirms McCain has little chance there.
This is 183 EV in the bag for Barack Obama before the campaign even starts. Obama has a decent and consistent lead in the polls in OR, MN, WI and PA (48 EV). Battleground states include MI, OH, MO, IA, CO, NM, NH, NV, VA and FL. The McCain campaign is even spending resources in the states of LA, NC, GA, MS and MT. Polls show Obama behind in these states but not by so much as to allow the GOP to consider them safe. Given McCain's fundraising problems, the need to spend money in these states, even if successful in the end, is troubling for his national effort.
This is my first time on this website and the comments that I am reading are not very Christ like. Where is the compassion, the tolerance for other views that have been taught to me in 14 years of Catholic School. You may not be for Obama, some people are very happy with their situation, but at least elevate the discussion beyond the name calling. Stick to the issues.
Thank you, Mary-Elsie. You are a true sister in Christ.
I have some deep reservations about allowing certain comments to remain up here, but I am inclined that those who make them only degrade themselves and their point of view. However, at some point I feel I may have to act to promote civility.
Thank you for visiting. God bless you.
Thank you for your post. I agree. It is an exciting time. We have the chance to finally move our country forward after almost eight years of slipping into darkness and fear.
Just remember that when your post is picked apart line by line with sarcastic commentary that is fear manifesting it's ugly head. Fear does not offer compassion, hope, tolerence or reason. No matter how much lipstick you put on that pig...fear is the devils favorite tool. We can only learn to recognize, reject, and ignore fear.
It is an exciting time.
Obama 08'
MARKIE WHINED: Just remember that when your post is picked apart line by line with sarcastic commentary that is fear manifesting it's ugly head.
RUSTLER REPLIES: OH BALONEY MARKIE! You're the only one in here so far exhibiting fear. Remember, pictures of guns scare you so bad that you wet your pants. You're to afraid to go into the military because one of those ole bad DIs might yell at you and cause you to go into Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome.
Hey Marie-Elsie, just try elevating the discussion in here and see what happens. They refuse to reply, insult you, or claim that you're scaring them. Matamusel is the only one who tried to discuss. All Mark can do is whine, and Batty Betty is rude and condescending, but not once has she said anything useful.
And BTW why should anyone be tolerant of views promoting abortion? Are you soft on abortion? Are you pro-choice? Let's here it Marie.
KATHERINE SAID: I have some deep reservations about allowing certain comments to remain up here....
RUSTLER REPLIES: Of course you do Katherine. Your open-mindedness is merely pretend. You want to delete our posts so bad you can taste it. I notice that any excuse will do. I also notice that those who are on your side can say anything without correction.
Everyone also notices that you don't reply when the question makes you look bad.
Marie-Elsie said...
...elevate the discussion beyond the name calling. Stick to the issues.
HEY Marie, here's a good example of a pro-Obama attempt to discuss.
BATTY BETTY SAID: "Russy in a camp in Montana. haha. Probably setting up his own republic and parading around by himself in a uniform worried that the FBI is gonna make him take off his tin hat that gets signals from the mother ship."
"Russy, tell us about your plan to go back to the gold standard."
Do you hear the tolerance and compassion Marie?
Clinton, who has won the most Catholic votes so far (more than Obama or McCain) has endorsed Obama!! McCain is saying he is more like Hillary than Obama, but at least the Catholics are not falling for it.
Katherine, I appreciate this blog. Keep up the good work. Thank you for keeping it positive.
I am pro every life from the womb to capital punishment. However, I do believe that the best way to prevent the slaughter of innocent babies and children is to offer alternatives to mothers that are in a bind. Alternatives such as birth control and adoption. I believe that education is also a form of birth control. Once we educate our children they are more apt to take responsibilities for themselves and make moral decisions concerning their lives.
"Alternatives such as birth control and adoption."
Marie, birth control is not pro-life. The Pill is an abortifacient. All Pills, no exceptions. Don't come back arguing with me about that unless you've done your research. You are voting for Obama. You are pro-choice. That is not pro-life. It is actually worse than pro-abortion.
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