Blogged.com, a service to find better blogs, has announced a list of the top 10 blog sites for Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama. The list was compiled by Blogged.com's in-house editors after evaluating numerous blogs that focused on the candidate. After a thorough analysis, ten Barack Obama blogs were found to be of the highest quality.
"The recent Democratic primary has caused an unprecedented increase in media coverage and discussions about the two candidates. We felt that the voices of the bloggers should be included in these discussions as well." said Kenneth Yeh, co-founder of Blogged.com.
Blogged.com offers political junkies and casual readers alike a one-stop shop for finding key blogs on their candidate – with everything from op-eds and political punditry, to biographical pieces and news updates. Blogged.com plans to release additional lists of top 10 blogs on popular topics in the months ahead as part of its mission to help people "find better blogs."
Barack Obama Blogs:
"The recent Democratic primary has caused an unprecedented increase in media coverage and discussions about the two candidates. We felt that the voices of the bloggers should be included in these discussions as well." said Kenneth Yeh, co-founder of Blogged.com.
Blogged.com offers political junkies and casual readers alike a one-stop shop for finding key blogs on their candidate – with everything from op-eds and political punditry, to biographical pieces and news updates. Blogged.com plans to release additional lists of top 10 blogs on popular topics in the months ahead as part of its mission to help people "find better blogs."
Barack Obama Blogs:
Excellent, Katherine. A well deserved award!
LOL ROFLMAO!!!!!!!! Katherine won't be getting her reward until Judgement Day.
That's because there ARE only ten. Still ROFLMAO!!!
dymphna, I love your blog. Particularly where you say "education turns Catholic girls into sluts/feminists and/or Protestants"
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Katherine :)))
dymphna said...
That's because there ARE only ten. Still ROFLMAO!!!
Your attempts at humor are unfortunate.
Interesting your blog seems to purport the highest standards of Christianity, but your (2) above posts on Katherine's blog indicate otherwise, very sad!
take care
THANK YOU, SHILOH! And God bless you!
dymphna said...
That's because there ARE only ten. Still ROFLMAO!!!
Yeah, it came in 9th!!!
This blog has given me so many laughs that my blood pressure is better than it's ever been. Thanks Katherine.
And your boy DimoCatholic is tops! I've run into some dummies in the forums, but he's tops them all. Well maybe not that Baptist minister on the Baptist Board who had a Ph.D. and liked to brag about it.
SEAN ARROGANTLY SAID: dymphna, I love your blog. Particularly where you say "education turns Catholic girls into sluts/feminists and/or Protestants"
RUSTLER LAUGHS: And I suppose Sean, you are a prime example of what education will do for you?
I bet your mother had to put you under a bushel basket just to let the sun rise!
Congratulations Katherine. Well deserved. Your posts have always been informative. You are doing very good work. Look at what you have done for Rustler's blood pressure. You brought it down so he does not have to spend more money in healthcare.
Obama is not even in office yet and he and his supporters are saving taxpayers money.
Even though I disagree with literally EVERYTHING you say, congratulations, Katherine.
We, the Democrats of the USA, refuse to vote for Barack Obama, if he is the Democratic nominee for President of the United States, because of the mainstream medias' failure to make public the following failures and inconsistencies of Barack Obama.
The media portrays him as some sort of messiah/Jesus Christ figure who is going to rescue us by a wave of his hand, a John F. Kennedy re-incarnated, a perfect, squeaky clean candidate, who has never done a thing wrong in his entire life. Anyone who says a minor thing against him, even if it is self-admitted, is called a racist. The mainstream media will not cover ANY story that portrays Obama in a negative light, (most notably MSNBC on-airs) while having a field day, 24/7, on Hillary Clinton. Not only Hillary Clinton, but her husband, her daughter, her past, her present, her campaign, her campaign staff, her husband's administration and any story that portrays her in any possible negative light.
-He falsely accused the Clinton campaign, specifically President Bill Clinton, of race baiting. When it was the Obama campaign, specifically himself, his wife and Oprah Winfrey who started the race baiting. It continues to this day with people like Jesse Jackson Jr. threatening violence and rioting if he does not receive the nomination. His wife has said publicly she doesn't think she could support Senator Clinton, Obama himself has said his supporters would not support Senator Clinton, his wife has said 'black people should wake up', she wanted to 'rip Bill Clinton's eyes out'and Oprah has opined to Southern crowds in a suddenly heavy Southern accent all about Dr. King' dream, which had nothing to do with electing a black man president of the United States. THIS is playing the race card.
-Since the Democratic Party cannot seem to run it's own agenda correctly, we have open primaries across the country. It is now a known fact that Republicans have crossed over in record numbers to vote for Obama to 'keep the Clintons out of the White House'. The blame for this lies squarely on the shoulders of Howard Dean and the DNC. Hillary Clinton has received most of the votes of the Democrats, while Obama receives the thumbs up from most of the Republicans.
-Many things in his books, 'Dreams Of My Father', and 'The Audacity of Hope', are simply not true. His 'career' is sketchy to say the least, including making sure he ran un-opposed in races to his suspect meteoric rise in Illinois. He rams NAFTA down Hillary Clinton's throat, when in fact he voted to EXPAND NAFTA. He claims his association with indicted criminal Tony Rezko was simply a friendship, when we all know now it was much, much more. His refusal to distance himself from Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam, who has endorsed him. Obama 'distances' himself, but continues to call him MINISTER Farrakhan, and refuses to denounce his racism and militant anti-Semitism.
-He has absolutely no experience to be Commander-In-Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States and President of the United States.
-Obama is a member of the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. Many have descibed this church in terms of 'separatist', 'in some cases, even drawing comparisons to a cult', 'scary doctrine', 'something that you'd see in more like a cult or an Aryan Brethren Church or something like that.' The pastor or ex-pastor (depends on who you listen to) Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright is an interesting character, who holds bizarre, racial and anti-semitic views. The church's mantra and belief system is :
'We are an African people and remain true to our native land, the mother continent, the cradle of civilization.'
The church has a 'non-negotiable commitment to Africa,' according to its website, and its pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. subscribes to what is called the Black Value System.
While the Black Value System includes such items as commitment to God, education, and self-discipline, it refers to 'our racist competitive society' and includes the disavowal of the pursuit of 'middle-classness' and a pledge of allegiance to 'all black leadership who espouse and embrace the Black Value System.' It defines 'middle-classness' as a way for American society to 'snare' blacks rather than 'killing them off directly' or 'placing them in concentration camps,' just as the country structures 'an economic environment that induces captive youth to fill the jails and prisons.'
Obama says he found religion and Jesus Christ through Wright, whom he met in the mid-1980s. He has been attending Wrights' church regularly since 1988.
-Collusion between Howard Dean and the Obama campaign, via Halperin's Time blog: "Obama-DNC Fundraising Deal." "Democratic sources tell The Page the Land of Lincolner and DNC plan to file a joint fundraising agreement soon that will allow donors to give simultaneously to his campaign and the national party. noquarterusa.net/blog/
There are many other reasons which would fill volumes, but space does not allow. We feel these are the most important issues, or until more of the onion is peeled. Please join us in signing this petition (please feel free to add your own reasons) which will be sent to Howard Dean and the DNC to make them fully aware of the what the Democrats of the United States feel about the 2008 election process and the disgraceful and negative way Hillary Clinton has been treated while the DNC stands mutely by, forcing Obama on us.
Sign the petition
Gee, Donna...a little bitter?
How many Catholic Church's a crucifix with neon light bulbs like the one pictured on this blog? How about huge expensive to buy and maintain pipe organs.
SHYLOW WHINES: Your attempts at humor are unfortunate.
RUSTLER LAUGHS: Of course, a liberal never can stand humor. What? No sense of humor shylow?
SHYLOW WHINES: Interesting your blog seems to purport the highest standards of Christianity, but your (2) above posts on Katherine's blog indicate otherwise, very sad!
RUSTLER: It is so funny how liberals who never act Christian expect Christians to act Christian. You don't like it when a Christian kicks your axx. Too bad.
hey Shylock, you see how rustler says "axx" just like your boy Obama does. haha
BOB SAID: hey Shylock, you see how rustler says "axx" just like your boy Obama does. haha
RUSTLER: Bob, that was just down right bigoted! hahahahahaaaa
Clearly they awarded their judgment based on the quality of your posts and not on the quality of the comments left in the comments section. If the comment section were included in their evaluation, I'm afraid you would have lost.
So the cross has been yours alone to bear and you deserve the reward. Congrats!
DEMOCATHOLIC SAID: Clearly they awarded their judgment based on the quality of your posts and not on the quality of the comments...
RUSTLER LAUGHS: If it weren't for my comments most of you people wouldn't have even been in here. This blog was in the throes of death. I single handedly stirred up enough interest to get it to happen. So give credit where it's due.
Thank you
Well said, Rustler, congratulations!
Since there is no such thing as "Catholics for Obama", this whole thing is feeble attempt at humor. I finally got it. Thanks for the laugh and dominus vobiscum!
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