Today we have a break from our campaign postings to bring a very important message from Senator Bob Casey.
I didn't introduce the Starting Early, Starting Right Act because of politics. It wasn't about any lofty ideas. I heard the stories across Pennsylvania from families struggling to make ends meet due to the high cost of child care. I promised to make this issue one of my top priorities in the Senate.
Now that I've introduced a bill to make child care more affordable -- and to improve the quality of child care available to families -- I need your help moving it forward. Thousands of you have already signed on as citizen co-sponsors, and you're making a big difference.
But many of you have your own stories to share about how the high cost of child care is affecting your family or people you know. I know how powerful personal stories can be, and there is no better way to help me improve child care than to share your story.
Your story will help move Senate Bill 2980, the Starting Early, Starting Right Act, forward.
Maybe your family has to cut back at the grocery store. Maybe you couldn't go back to work when you wanted to -- or had to take a second job just to afford child care. Maybe the closest quality child care center adds another hour to your commute.
Child care costs too much in this country, and there are a million ways it can affect your family.America needs a solution to this problem right now, and by sharing your story with me, you can help move it forward.
Thank you for your help -- it means a lot.
Bob Casey
As a resident of Pennsylvania, I'm sure Senator Casey's legislation will go over just as well as his endoresment of Obama in the PA primary.
A lot of us would like to see legal restrictions on abortion coupled with support for families such as the Casey child care legislation. The quick rejection of this by McCain supporters doesn't give me much confidence in his campaign.
Same old, same old, I guess.
Senator Casey SAID: "I heard the stories across Pennsylvania from families struggling to make ends meet due to the high cost of child care.
It wouldn't be so high if they chose to stay home with their children instead of farming them out to some stranger who will probably mistreat or abuse them at worst or ignore them at best.
Senator Casey SAID: "...and there is no better way to help me improve child care than to share your story."
Oh bull! How about pushing the living wage and encouraging Catholic mothers to stay home instead of trying to double their income so they can live the "American Dream."
How about telling young couples that they can live on one income if the make up their minds to do so. Wages would go up and child care costs would go down for those such as single parents who really do need such services.
Senator Casey SAID: Maybe your family has to cut back at the grocery store.
Yeah, and maybe they might have to cut back on video games, Nintindo, Play Station, and much other nonsense that is totally unneeded and harmful.
Senator Casey, wake up!
Terry, What exactly did I reject, other than Bob Casey's ability to influence anyone on anything?
As for confidence in this campaign, spare me. The attcks on John McCain's military service by Obama's surragates is the same old same old. As Obama whines about nonexist attacks on his patriotism, democrats, the latest being Wesley Clark, attack McCain's service.
Katherine, what a wonderful blog! I'll be checking in very regularly.
Thom! Thom! Where are you??? C'mon Thom, stand up and say something stupid.
You are the best!!!
As a Casey supporter for a long time it really makes me sad to see him sell out to the Obama liberals after such a stout career up to now. I'm starting to believe that the big win over Santorum will lead to his morals going down the drain.
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