by Lisa Ferguson
Obama has a huge opportunity to win over an unlikely voting bloc: pro-life voters. Much has been said about pro-life Democrats feeling disrespected by their party. In recent years, however, pro-life liberals, moderates and Democrats have been callously disrespected by the Right-to-Life Establishment. The Establishment has worked hand in glove with GOP political operatives to advance the GOP even if not in the best interest of the pro-life movement. Strategies that offer marginal protection for the unborn are pursued if they fit in with the Republican playbook, while the RTL Establishment refuses to work with Democrats to save unborn lives.
In recent years, pro-life Democrats, liberals and moderates have taken matters into their own hands. Rather than be bound to the RTL Establishment's ineffective and modest agenda, they have moved forward their own to reduce the number of abortions and prevent late term abortion.
Pro-life voters who put pro-life before being Republican are realizing that while McCain may campaign on the "immorality" of abortion but the policies he supports seem to lead to lots more of them. Isn't it time to turn the tables? Obama should hold McCain and and other Establishment RTL leaders accountable for their failure to find solutions to the high rates of unintended pregnancy and abortion.
Obama should champion wider access to birth control, and birth control is the only proven way to reduce unintended pregnancy and abortion. Obama shouldn't get sucked into the silly debate about whether the pill is an abortifacient since even the anti-abortion movement's most respected physicians agree there's no scientific evidence that it is. He should ask why McCain hasn't championed campaigns to reduce unwanted pregnancies. Obama could remind the voter that only 11% of sexually active women don't use contraception and from this 11% comes 50% of the nation's abortions. Ninety-three percent of the American public strongly favors contraception because of this very reason. No less than 80% of self-described pro-life voters strongly support contraception. Few know that McCain has a long legislative resume devoted to voting against access to contraception and prevention.
McCain and the right to life Establishment may have sanctimony on their side but, so far, sanctimony has proven ineffective at preventing abortion. Study after study suggests the right to life approach, which McCain has helped execute for decades, is actually the root of the problem: leading to more abortions and later ones too.
Scanning the globe we discover little correlation between abortion law and the number of abortions. The countries where abortion is most rare have permissive abortion laws (mostly western Europe) while the countries where abortion is illegal (Brazil, Philippines, Mexico) are the ones with the highest abortion rates, often twice our national average.
Results should matter.
What a joke. Obama is for unregulated abortion for the full term of pregnancy. He is against parental consent, and as much as his supporters may deny it, he has no problem with infanticide. He voted against a bill in the Illinois state legislature to provide medical care to babies who survived abortions. Defend that if you want, explain it away if you can.
One thing you only see pro-life Democrats do and never max or any pro-life Republicans is quantifying the number of abortions we can prevent. Start with parental consent laws, which probably does more than any other matter Max mentioned to lessen the number of abortions and make your best guess as to how many abortions it will prevent. Then take the SCHIP bill or Title X or some of the HHS/SS programs and estimate the number of abortions they prevent.
The right wing won't do it because it shows their shallowness. Its not about the unborn, its about them.
No reason for me to rewrite this one:
"I am really discouraged reading responses from Catholics who say since Mc Cain isn't all that pro-life and they don't think he has a chance of winning so its allright to vote for Obama. Hello! Are we asleep or what! The man went to a muslim school as a youth. Whats in a name but Barach Hussien Obama, two of his names are muslim. He will not put his hand on his heart for the national anthem. He will not wear a flag pin. His wife says this is the first time in her adult life she is proud of our country (since her husband has a shot at the presidency). His spiritual mentor, jeremiah wright, has been his mentor for 20 years is a man who believes in black liberation theology, liberation theology, which are very dangerous and condemned by the church. God damn america is what this man says. He can't be anymore liberal. He said the first thing he will do once in office is make it illegal for the state to place any restrictions on abortion. You want Obama. Then get ready for a Marxist, Communist society, and world. Get ready for the great Tribulation and persecution."
Visit this site: Obama on Video
That purdy much sums it all up.
I hadn't thought of it that way. McCain says x and y and z. Obama says a and b and c. At the end of the day, how many less abortions will there be?
People can huff and puff, but the bottom line is reducing abortions, not anyone's political agenda.
Would you care to explain Obam's vote not to provide medical care to babies who survived abortions? Please explain how saving those children is about me? Actually, I think its about you, because you can't defend it and won't even try. But you will vote for the man who is in favor of infanticide.
If anyone is shallow its a person who claims to be Catholic and rationalizes the murder of the unborn.
let's finish the first conversation and then I'm happy to move on to that matter.
People can call themselves whatever they want BUT if they vote for Obama they are NOT pro-life!!
We keep talking about abortion as if that was the only track a pro-lifer can take. How about being against capital punishment and euthanasia? What do you say?
Ok lets finish the first conversation. How can a Catholic support a man who voted against legislation that would provide medical treatment to a baby that survived an abortion? Answer that and I will move on.
Obama supports capital punishment in the case of terrorism, and the murder of a child, unless that child is aborted, then it becomes a right.
Euthanasia,got nothing against them, I like the youth in Europe too.
I agree with your post. Too often, politicians get sucked into the petty arguments about abortion, such as whether the morning-after pill takes a life.
Obama should focus on reducing the number of abortions and making sure no woman is forced to have an unsafe abortion.
new black women,
Before you became a new black women were you a man or were you white? Or maybe you were an old white man?
Nice fist btw, it just screams that racial unity Obama is so into.
Patriotic Americans are not going to be mau-maued into supporting a radical black activist like Obama who wants to give racial preferences to his own race while denying jobs to white people. For 40 years, this country has given, given and given to Blacks. Now they want the presidency. The truth is they have been given enough.
I think these remarks are grossly offensive. Mike Huckabee said today that these types of remarks will give the election to Obama. I hope he is right. No candidate who condones such remarks should be elected. Both sides should run a clean campaign.
BLACK WOMAN: ...and making sure no woman is forced to have an unsafe abortion.
Unsafe for who? The Baby?
Black Woman, Margaret Sanger's plan was to kill your race off by abortion. You fall right into her plan.
REGINA WHINES: I think these remarks are grossly offensive.
REGINA: Mike Huckabee said today that these types of remarks will give the election to Obama.
RUSTLER: Oh baloney! Obama doesn't have a chance.
REGINA: I hope he is right.
RUSTLER: So there you have it folks. She's for Obama and anything we say is offensive to her. Regina, stuff it.
"Rather than be bound to the RTL Establishment's ineffective and modest agenda, they have moved forward their own to reduce the number of abortions and prevent late term abortion."
Will somebody please explain to me how this works?
"Obama should champion wider access to birth control, and birth control is the only proven way to reduce unintended pregnancy and abortion."
Are you going to tell me that they are talking about Rhythm and NFP?
"Obama shouldn't get sucked into the silly debate about whether the pill is an abortifacient since even the anti-abortion movement's most respected physicians agree there's no scientific evidence that it is."
Anyone who knows what a PDR (Physician's Desk Reference) is and has read the medical actions of birth control pills knows that statement is a LIE.
"McCain and the right to life Establishment may have sanctimony on their side but, so far, sanctimony has proven ineffective at preventing abortion."
Of course as long as we have Planned Parenthood promoting abortion and the Supreme Court backing R.vs W. our hands are tied.
"Study after study suggests the right to life approach, which McCain has helped execute for decades, is actually the root of the problem: leading to more abortions and later ones too."
Oh BS!!! It's the ole "Studies suggests" logical fallacy. Name a study.
"Scanning the globe we discover little correlation between abortion law and the number of abortions. The countries where abortion is most rare have permissive abortion laws (mostly western Europe)...."
Somebody please ring the Bxxx Shxx Bell!!! "Abortion is rare." Give me a break!
"...while the countries where abortion is illegal (Brazil, Philippines, Mexico) are the ones with the highest abortion rates, often twice our national average."
Nonsense. Prove it. 50 million abortions in this country are because abortion is legal.
Back to the birth control issue. As long as we have birth control, abortion is NEVER going to go away. You obviously have not read Humanae Vitae.
MAX SAID: Would you care to explain Obam's vote not to provide medical care to babies who survived abortions?
RUSTLER: Max, they will never ever answer that. Read my last post. They will never answer my questions either. These Obama people are not subject to logic or reason. They are liberals. They do not believe the Catholic faith.
Marie, you whine that I called you are heretic. You're a liberal. That makes you a heretic.
"Obama should champion wider access to birth control, and birth control is the only proven way to reduce unintended pregnancy and abortion."
That's pure malarky. It is the reason we have abortion. Nothing of it has proven anything of the sort. Another lie.
The most common form of birth control is ABORTION.
Bob said: Patriotic Americans are not going to be mau-maued into supporting a radical black activist like Obama who wants to give racial preferences to his own race while denying jobs to white people. For 40 years, this country has given, given and given to Blacks. Now they want the presidency. The truth is they have been given enough.
And for 200 years this country has waged a white affirmative action by barring people of color especially blacks from fully having the rights that the constitution granted them as human beings.
When are you going to wake up and realize that black people or other people of color for that matter are not your enemy. The person holding you back from realizing your potential is
A) Yourself
b) The rich and greedy CEO or corporation who would like nothing more than to perpetuate the myth that affirmative action is what is holding you back rather than him getting a bigger portion of the pie.
Ask yourself:
1) Why is a C student (Bush) able to attend Yale while an A student of any race cannot get admitted without money.
2) Why is McCain tax cut going to save the middle class(people making less than 227K/year) between $1,000 to $2,000 while people making over $2.9 million dollars will save upward of $270,000.
3) Why are corporations rewarded for shipping jobs overseas and for establishing their corporation overseas in order not to pay taxes and yet are allowed to obtain federal subsidies.
It has been my experience that the people that spew such nonsense as a black CEO or a black President will only help black people are usually guilty of discrimination. Such people believe so because of their discriminatory practices expect retalation when other people of color then have the power that for years they have enjoyed.
And yes Bob, Obama will help his race when he gets elected. He will help black people (his father's race) and white people (his mother's race). He may even help asians (his stepfather's race). He might help the native americans (he was made an honorary Crow during the primaries). Yep it seems to me that he will help his race: The human race.
MARIE TELLS OF HER NON-EXPERIENCE: It has been my experience that the people that spew such nonsense as a black CEO or a black President will only help black people are usually guilty of discrimination.
Marie, Marie, So in your experience black people are not discriminatory or racist. Only white males who would point out the truth of about your lie are the ones who discriminate?
You are so transparent. You are an inexperienced liberal who makes up your experience as you go along. Whatever suits your purposes works. Right Marie?
What a crock.
Marie, Obama is a racist.
And you're a nitwit.
If you guys really believe that Obama has no chance, why do you waste your time arguing here? A strange substitute for sex?
rustler45 and max, you are the type of guys whose ranting guarantees Obama will do very well in the election. Please keep it up, rachet it up even, and spend even more time on other blogs, too, please!
Lisa Ferguson may be pro-life but she provides no argument whatsoever why a Catholic should support Obama. Indeed, quite the opposite. To encourage the use of contraception goes entirely against the Church’s teachings.
For a Catholic, this post in fact provides a reason to vote McCain.
schaden freud said...
If you guys really believe that Obama has no chance, why do you waste your time arguing here?
RUSTLER REPLIES: You wouldn't believe me if I told you.
schaden freud said... rustler45 and max, you are the type of guys whose ranting guarantees Obama will do very well in the election.
RUSTLER REPLIES: If so why are you bothering to post?
schaden freud said...Please keep it up, rachet it up even, and spend even more time on other blogs, too, please!
RUSTLER REPLIES: I will and I do spend even more time on other blogs already. I have a freaking ball hearing what dummies have to say.
Look at you for instance. You're trying to old reverse psychology bit. Is it working yet moron?
PS. Don't you think Anti-Freud has a point?
Just admit it. You are gay aren't you?
schaden freud said,
rustler45 and max, you are the type of guys whose ranting guarantees Obama will do very well in the election. Please keep it up, rachet it up even, and spend even more time on other blogs, too, please!
Thanks for the invite scaden, you can depend on me racheting it up. BHO gives me plenty of material.
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