Democrats Have Edge Among US Catholics
The Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate at Georgetown has some new data that shows that Catholics identify as Republicans at a lower rate than at any point since 2000, when Al Gore won the Catholic vote.
The Republicans labored mightily to disqualify John Kerry's Catholicism for conservative Catholics in 2004,and on the surface, it appears as if they succeeded: according to the 2004 exit polls, President Bush won a majority and increased his margin over 2000 by five points -- Gore won them by three points in 2000. (Note: a Pew study found that regular massgoers actually swung away (by three points) from President Bush in 2004, which suggests that the communion and abortion controversies weren't that relevant.)
The CARA study finds that 57% of US Catholic adults identity as Democrats or Democratic leaners, while 40% identify as Republicans or Republican leaners. The shift from 2004 holds across all attitudinal levels, including frequency of mass attendance and the degree to which Catholics rely on doctrine, age, and gender.
The polling data also indicates that Catholic attitudes on social, political and moral issues have shifted during the Bush administration, especially regarding two issues: the use of U.S. military force and taxes. Attitudes about immigration policy have also changed slightly and opinions regarding life and social justice issues have remained relatively stable. “Overall, these shifting Catholic attitude trends, less support for the use of U.S. military force, more support for higher taxes for wealthy Americans, and increasing acceptance of immigration, may favor the Democrats and Obama,” said Mark Gray, director of CARA Catholic Polls. In 2002, before the Iraq war, 63 percent of adult Catholics agreed “somewhat” or “strongly” that “The U.S. should be willing to use military force to overthrow governments that support terrorism against the U.S., even if it mean losing lives of U.S. service members.” In 2006, only 43 percent agreed with this statement – a shift of 20 percentage points. An increasing number of Catholics support a tax increase for the wealthiest Americans; 65 percent agreed in 2006, up from 52 percent in 2002. Catholics have also become less likely to agree that the number of immigrants permitted to come to the United States should be decreased; 54 percent in 2006, down from 65 percent in 2002. Among Catholics who attend Mass at least once a week, Republicans are more numerous than in the Catholic electorate at large. However, weekly attenders are still more likely to be Democrats than anything else.
In 2004, there was a lot of talk among conservatives about the great Catholic-Evangelical coming together. What happens in 2008?
The Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate ( CARA ) is a nonprofit, independent and nonpartisan research institution at Georgetown University. CARA researchers conduct applied social scientific research related to the Catholic Church in the United States. CARA was created in 1964 and has been affiliated with Georgetown University since 1989. CARA’s national polls of adult Catholic have been conducted annually since 2000. To date, CARA has conducted CARA’s 19 national surveys of self-identified adult Catholics, including more than 21,000 respondents during the 2000 and 2008 period.
Yes, it appears the Democrats have a big edge w/Catholic voters!
Praise the Lord!
"The Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate at Georgetown has some new data that shows...."
Yeah, right. More fake polls by the liberals. They love to make up stuff.
Note: a Pew study found that regular massgoers actually swung away (by three points) from President Bush in 2004, which suggests that the communion and abortion controversies weren't that relevant.)
A Pew Study??? Really? Abortion and Communion aren't relevant. I suppose the Ten Commandments are irrelevant as well.
"It suggests...." More of the old "studies suggest" logical fallacy. Liars. Unscrupulous liars.
The CARA study finds....
Yeah, it finds blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah more BS, more BS.
The polling data also indicates that Catholic attitudes on social, political and moral issues....
Once again their poll finds just what they wanted it to find.
I just did a study and it suggests that liberals lie even when the truth would work better 141% of the time.
“Overall, these shifting Catholic attitude trends, less support for the use of U.S. military force, more support for higher taxes for wealthy Americans, and increasing acceptance of immigration, may favor the Democrats...."
And of course shifting Catholic attitudes of U.S. Catholics means that the rest of the world and the Vatican need to get in line in order to be relevant to the modern world in the 21st century. Jesus just can't get it right.
In 2004, there was a lot of talk among conservatives about the great Catholic-Evangelical coming together.
No there wasn't. BS
The Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate ( CARA ) is a nonprofit, independent and nonpartisan research institution at Georgetown University.
Right, a nonpartisan research institution funded by the communists.
WHO do they think they're kidding?
Mark Gray, director of CARA
Here's what a search found about Mark Gray:
"My primary fields of research are:
[he listed several before he got to this critical one right here]
"Social Justice, Globalization, Trade, and Democratization"
Now we know he's a Marxist even if we didn't know it when he said, "...suggests that the communion and abortion controversies weren't that relevant."
He is a lying scumbag. Not an ad hominem. It is a fact proven by what he said not the reverse.
Cardinal Newman Society Executive Vice President Tom Mead said of the abortion friendly policy, “I am absolutely stunned by Georgetown’s decision to fund abortion advocacy.
THERE YOU HAVE IT. GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY--one of those "Catholic" colleges that can't make the list of colleges that are faithful to Catholic teaching.
Surprised??? I'm not.
Nonpartisan, my foot.
Wondering what you all think of the fact that Obama is for the death penalty...
Milehimama said...
Wondering what you all think of the fact that Obama is for the death penalty...
RUSTLER REPLIES: Mama dear. It kind of scares me. You know how liberals/Democrats/Marxists are. The kill the innocent and free the guilty.
So my guess is that plan is to use the death penalty to hang all homophobes (me and you), all hate mongering bigots (me and you), all people who are so brainwashed as to actually believe the Catholic faith (me and you).... The list could go on and on. It means they will hang anyone different than themselves since the rest of us are insane.
There you go Marie. You'll get your revenge against me after all.
settin' the topic aside here for a bit, i just gotta address MR SHYLOW,.......good grief are you a grown man, pasting your baby picture up there. did your mama really name you that? do you mean for your name and foto to make all the girls hurl their supper. it must've been puky at wallmart hearing your mommy screaming......shilow!!! don't do that!....shylow!!!stop it!!!!...shylow if i find your daddy i'm gonna tell him.......Shylow!!!i'm gonna spank you.........shylow! to pukeoblowvia!! dang shylow......hide your name and foto......for the love of corndogs........NOW!!!!!!
Tami! You shouldn't be so hard on him. Poor guy isn't playing with a full deck. He doesn't have a chance against your onslaught.
Ya know, he's not one of those who will ever be able to say, "My Mamma didn't raise no fool." So don't be picking on him. His mama never did find his daddy. It wasn't his fault that the detective agency couldn't him. The agency said there were just too many possibilities!
They said you just can't track down white trash.
No answer to a question about Obama. Why am I not surprised?
Does anyone know where I can get answers?
what are your thoughts, milehi?
Milehimama said...
No answer to a question about Obama. Why am I not surprised?
Does anyone know where I can get answers?
RUSTLER: Yeah, from me only. My answer was the right one. You're not going to get anything else from any of these fellow travelers in here.
I bet Max and Bob will tell you that I am right.
Just remember this. Liberals and Democrats will kill the innocent and let the guilty go free every time. Count on it.
Write that down MileHi.
Now if somebody can explain that we'll be getting somewhere.
My thoughts on what? I have an opinion on a variety of subjects.
your thought on the death penalty.
I think the death penalty CAN be licitly employed by a government, but usually is not (licitly employed, that is.)
It should be a last resort for criminals that cannot be imprisoned safely (criminals that continue to harm or try to kill prison guards, etc.) We should always try to err on the side of life.
As long as one is alive, there is always a chance for God's mercy and for them to repent.
The State should certainly never execute a criminal for offenses that do not include murder.
while respecting those with a contrary opinion, I would agree with you.
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