Dear Fellow Catholics for Obama,
Our names are Jamie Kralovec and Oscar Abello, and we believe that Barack Obama embodies the Catholic values that motivate us to work for a more just and humane world. Given this conviction, we launched a new group on Facebook.com, entitled 'Catholics for Obama United.' Facebook.com is a widely used social networking site for students and young people. We wanted to personally share the news and tell you that we had over 100 members in the first 24 hours!
Jamie graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 2006 and Oscar is currently a graduating senior at Villanova University. We have concluded that the polarizing debate so common in our politics is also present in our parishes and schools. We feel that a place to share our ideas and help unite Catholic supporters would help us elevate that debate; or at least be prepared for it. We believe launching Catholics for Obama United is a first step to grow such a Catholic movement for Barack; however, we can't do it without your help.
We may not agree on every issue, but we stand together in our belief that Senator Obama's unique vision for the common good offers the best opportunity to build a more just and humane society consistent with our values. We share a commitment to respect human dignity; to work for a more peaceful and safe world; to build a just economy that respect the rights and dignity of working families; to stand with the poor and to be good stewards of our environment.
If you have a Facebook account, you can just search for the group and join. If you don't, you can start one at www.Facebook.com.
Our hope is that this can become a space where Catholics for Obama United, can grow our numbers, share ideas, and learn more about getting involved with the Obama campaign. We already have members from across the country, reflecting the diversity and richness of the Catholic experience. Can you help us spread the word and grow our numbers?
Thank you for your support. Together, we can build a unified Catholic movement that says YES WE CAN!
Peter James Kralovec and Oscar Abello
Chairpersons, Catholics for Obama United
Our names are Jamie Kralovec and Oscar Abello, and we believe that Barack Obama embodies the Catholic values that motivate us to work for a more just and humane world. Given this conviction, we launched a new group on Facebook.com, entitled 'Catholics for Obama United.' Facebook.com is a widely used social networking site for students and young people. We wanted to personally share the news and tell you that we had over 100 members in the first 24 hours!
Jamie graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 2006 and Oscar is currently a graduating senior at Villanova University. We have concluded that the polarizing debate so common in our politics is also present in our parishes and schools. We feel that a place to share our ideas and help unite Catholic supporters would help us elevate that debate; or at least be prepared for it. We believe launching Catholics for Obama United is a first step to grow such a Catholic movement for Barack; however, we can't do it without your help.
We may not agree on every issue, but we stand together in our belief that Senator Obama's unique vision for the common good offers the best opportunity to build a more just and humane society consistent with our values. We share a commitment to respect human dignity; to work for a more peaceful and safe world; to build a just economy that respect the rights and dignity of working families; to stand with the poor and to be good stewards of our environment.
If you have a Facebook account, you can just search for the group and join. If you don't, you can start one at www.Facebook.com.
Our hope is that this can become a space where Catholics for Obama United, can grow our numbers, share ideas, and learn more about getting involved with the Obama campaign. We already have members from across the country, reflecting the diversity and richness of the Catholic experience. Can you help us spread the word and grow our numbers?
Thank you for your support. Together, we can build a unified Catholic movement that says YES WE CAN!
Peter James Kralovec and Oscar Abello
Chairpersons, Catholics for Obama United
I joined!
You need to rename this site and call it Marxist Catholics for Obama.
Abortion is not his only bad issue.
All of them are bad. He's not a one issue candidate for the trash.
Most of my parish is planning on voting for Obama, even though many of them were for Bush in 2004. The reason why? Iraq is part of it. But the name calling from Republicans like the above post is also a big part of it. Even conservatives are sick and tired of the lack of civility in political discourse and are voting for Obama.
I don't like it either, but it is sure winning us votes!
I understandyou, Sean. I'm a Republican and Catholic. There is a lot I disagree with Obama about but I am leaning (though not 100% there yet) to voting for him based on a rejection of the Karl Rove nasty politics and name-calling I see. I think McCain might still slap his supporters in line and help restore good taste to politics. Time will tell.
sean said...
Most of my parish is planning on voting for Obama
I see....
Now we know that most of your parish are idiots. They need to go down to the nearest Baptist Church and register there as members instead.
Is your priest an idiot too?
I am a huge fan of the facebook as a social networking site, I will definitely check it out.
Check out this new forum "Youth For Obama". Pretty cool. If this doesn't describe our hero's real accomplishments, nothing does.:
"...we believe that Barack Obama embodies the Catholic values...."
Can somebody please tell me what Catholic values they are talking about?
Youth for Obama!!!
Great forum!!!!
Catholic League
June 9, 2008
Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments today on Sen. Barack Obama’s Catholic National Advisory Council:
“On May 2, I issued a news release calling on Sen. Obama to dissolve his Catholic National Advisory Council. My principal reason for doing so was his selection of dissident Catholics to advise him: for example, most of the public officials are so pro-abortion that they had a 100 percent NARAL record. On May 8, most members of the Advisory Council faxed me a letter defending themselves; I answered the same day taking them to task for their lame defense. But it now appears that my initial recommendation—to dissolve the group—may have been accepted.
“There is no mention anywhere on the Obama website of the Catholic National Advisory Council. On Friday, we placed three phone calls to his campaign: two to media relations and one to Mark Linton, Obama’s National Catholic Outreach Coordinator. We were told each time that someone would get back to us, but no one did. I then personally e-mailed Linton informing him of the three phone calls, requesting that he respond to my question: ‘I would like to know whether the Catholic National Advisory Council for Sen. Obama is still operative.’ He has not replied.
“It would appear, then, that the group no longer exists. It is not hard to understand why. After being criticized by the Catholic League, Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas City rebuked one of Obama’s Catholic advisors, Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius: she was instructed not to present herself for Holy Communion (she is a rabid defender of abortion). At about the same time, radical Chicago priest Rev. Michael Pfleger bailed on Obama by withdrawing his name from the Advisory Council. Now we find that there is no listing for the group on the Obama website.
“Looks like the Obama campaign’s decision to quietly drop its Advisory Council didn’t work. We found out, and we’ve never been accused of being quiet.”
Youth for Obama
Advise him on what? How to get an ear job?
On Friday, we placed three phone calls to his campaign: two to media relations and one to Mark Linton, Obama’s National Catholic Outreach Coordinator. We were told each time that someone would get back to us, but no one did. I then personally e-mailed Linton informing him of the three phone calls, requesting that he respond to my question: ‘I would like to know whether the Catholic National Advisory Council for Sen. Obama is still operative.’ He has not replied.
“It would appear, then, that the group no longer exists.
Yeah, I placed a call to the Queen of England asking her if the Royal Family still exists. Guess what? She didn't call back.
Russy, you still got that ugly wife in Spokane?
Your parish sounds wonderful and kindhearted. I would like to join.
"We stand together in our belief that Senator Obama's unique vision for the common good offers the best opportunity to build a more just and humane society consistent with our values. We share a commitment to respect human dignity; to work for a more peaceful and safe world; to build a just economy that respect the rights and dignity of working families; to stand with the poor and to be good stewards of our environment."
How will all this help protect the right to life of the unborn? Especially since Obama did everything he could during the primary season to show that he is more "pro-choice" than Hilary?
What is your plan to protect the unborn?
Surely not to vote for Obama.
But I take it you don't have a clue as to any positive actions.
Sean & terri
Yea my whole parish has voted 100%Republican for 238 years, but are now all planning on voting for Obama, as are my dead Grandparents and my children that haven't been born yet.
Barry for Pres.
Tony Rezco for VP!
A positive action to support the unborn is to vote against Obama.
You got nothing, don't you? You are so empty handed you can't even bring yourself to put forward a plan. Oh well, that may be why so many Catholics have lost faith in your political tactics.
You are right Katherine. I recall a single post by those attacking Obama that says a word about McCain. It is easy to attack, but these guys are afraid to say a word in support for McCain.
I think McCain will be defeated because no one really beleives in him. Even those that hate Obama don't have anything good to say about McCain.
Empty handed, nah, first order of business is to elect a President who will appoint judges who will overturn Roe V Wade which will give the states the right to make their own abortion laws, not government by judicial fiat. Then fight the battles in my state through my state reps.
We are one Supreme Court justice away from overturning Roe. John McCain has said he will appoint judges like Roberts and Alito.
You however support Obama, who as an Illoinois state rep opposed a bill giving medical treatment to babies who survived abortions! He is against parental consent, or any limitations on abortion at any time during a pregnancy.
Your plan seems to be to support the most pro abortion candidate ever to run for president.
I'll keep my plan and vote McCain.
The rule that you cannot take the Lord's Name in vain also applies to the Blessed Mother. I have deleted your post.
You may not use profane language nor repeatedly post about solitary sexual acts. This is a family oriented site.
Wow Katherine,another deleted post. I didn't expect you to be impartial, just fair. I guess that was too much to ask from "Catholics" For Obama.
trust me, Katherine, many of us are thankful you have cleaned up the filth some people post.
Kurt said...
trust me, Katherine, many of us are thankful you have cleaned up the filth some people post.
Hey Kurt, thanks for showing everyone reading this blog that you people are ALL liars!!!
Trust me Kurt,I read all 5 deleted posts and wrote two of them. No filth in any of them.
Barry for pres.
Jim Johnson for VP
Watch out, Max. She'll delete you quick. Can't have any of that tellin' the truth stuff in THIS blog.
In all the posts that I have read, I have yet to see someone offer a clear alternative to abortion. How are you going to decrease abortion in the US besides overturning Roe vs. Wade? How are you going to deal with the side effects such as botched abortion, women being left sterile an maimed (though I think some of you may feel this is God's retribution); the babies being abandoned. What plans do you have to deal with the aftermath of the reversal of Roe v Wade?
Overturning Roe V Wade does not ban abortion. It returns the power to the states to make thier own laws, instead of 5 judges making law. As I stated before, then I will work in my state to have a restrictive abortion law.
You worry about babies being abandoned, but not aborted? What a phony arguement. Why don't you just admit you are pro abortion. Your support of Obama is logical since he believes abortion should be legal through the entire pregnancy and has voted to deny medical care to aborted babies who survived that attempt to kill them
Barry for Pres.
Jim Johnson for VP
what state do you live in?
My guess is if Roe was overturned, could get some restrictions after the first trimester, but not before. Rendell is pro choice but is done in 2 years. If PA politics hold to form, a Rep. gov will be elected. Since just before WWII, PA has elected a gov. from 1 party for 2 terms, then elected a gov from the other party for 2 terms.
The Lone Ranger said...
"...we believe that Barack Obama embodies the Catholic values...."
Can somebody please tell me what Catholic values they are talking about?
RUSTLER REPLIES: They don't know and won't answer. It's all hogwash in here.
I think you make a good guess. It is a matter of opinion, but I think your analysis is defensible.
It doesn't give me much comfort that first trimester abortions would still be legal. 90% of abortions are first trimester. Add in non-compliance with the law and people traveling to New Jersey or elsewhere and you have a dent but not a major reduction.
That does not mean I don't support such efforts; I do. The South Dakota situation was very troubling. What was considered one of the most pro-life states voted down a referedum on abortion (initiated by pro-lifers).
Repeal of Roe might get a %5 - 7% reduction of abortion. That's something, but doesn't even approach the steep decline in the number of abortions under the Clinton Administration usuing voluntary and social assistance means.
If asked do I support the Republican proposed mild legal restrictions on abortion or the Democratic proposed social assistance and voluntary programs to reduce abortion, my answer is YES. Its not either/or to me.
First, a pet peeve of mine. I live in Western Pa. I am as close to Detroit as I am to Philadelphia. I have no connections at all to the Eastern Part of the state. The state would be better off if Philly joined NJ. Ohio abortion laws would be the operative laws that could affect my area. Sorry, just had to rant.
Now that I got that off my chest...during the 8 years of the Clinton presidency 6 of those years the Republicans controlled Congress.
The South Dakota referendum is back on the ballot this November. It was defeated in 2006 because it only allowed for abortions in the case of the immediate threat to the life of the mother. The ballot question this time will state exceptions for the life of the mother, rape and incest. According to the exit polls from 2006, if that was the wording it would have passed. We will see.
Again Obama is against any restrictions at all.
yes, I didn't mean to associate you with NJ. I first just wrote NJ but then added 'or elsewhere' knowing there is a sensitivity. I think you are right about Ohio. West Virginia is hopeful too. New York State (legalized abortion to 24 weeks pre-Roe) and Maryland (state amendment to protect abortion rights if Roe reversed) would be permissive, I think. I have no idea how far women will travel for a legal abortion. I don't think anyone really knows.
What caused the decline of abortions under Clinton and what South Dakota voters might do now that the SD pro-life leadership's political judgment was found to be failing is an open question.
But that is exactly my point. We can discuss various strategies and options. We can guess if "X" is done, "Y" will result. But it is a political discussion among political animals. The old slogan "reverse Roe and stop abortion" just can't be sustained anymore.
I'm not disagreeing with any point of your political analysis. I'm just saying, its a political analysis.
I never thought reversing Roe would end abortions, but it will place more restrictions on them in many states. If it allows one more baby to live its a positive.
Like I said in another post, the reversal of R V. W also lets the people of each state have the power to make their own abortion laws, instead of unelected judges who made law instead of interpeting law.
I don't think this blog exists if the states still controlled the abortion laws because where Obama, or for that matter McCain , came down on the issue would have been irrelevant during a federal election and Catholics for or against Obama also would have been irrelevant as a matter of faith. Although I still could never vote for Obama for a zillion other reasons.
I'm with you Max. If a reversal of Roe and subsequent state legislation allows one more baby to live its a positive. If some of the initiative the Democrats or Obama talk about allow one more baby to live, its a positive.
kurt said...
I'm with you Max.
Great Kurt, I'll put you down as a vote for McCain!
do what you want!
I'm married , I can never do what I want.
"If some of the initiative the Democrats or Obama talk about allow one more baby to live, its a positive."
Kurt, Kurt, If a frog had wings it wouldn't bump its ....
Hey rustler45, it's never too late to get on the Obama love train so go ahead & jump aboard, everyone is welcome, his troops are performing conversions everyday ...
take care
You cannot be both Catholic and pro choice. Mother Teresa said that it is a shame that a child must die so that you could live as you please. Google Obama and his stand on any and all pro life issues.
Yes, he is charismatic and promises the world, frankly, the thought of him as our next president scares me.
Hi there to all, the contents present at this website are actually awesome for people experience, well, keep up the nice work fellows.
Genuinely no matter if someone doesn’t know then its up to other people that they will help, so here it happens.
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