Pope sends congratulatory message to Obama
Pope Benedict XVI sent a personal message to President-elect Barack Obama yesterday, congratulating him and offering his prayers for Obama and for all the people of the United States.
Father Federico Lombardi, SJ, Vatican spokesman, said the pope congratulated President Elect Obama, his wife and family, and "assured him of his prayers that God would help him with his high responsibilities for his country and for the international community." The pope also prayed that "the blessing of God would sustain him and the American people so that with all people of good will they could build a world of peace, solidarity and justice." Asked if the pope mentioned any specific issues he was concerned about, Father Lombardi responded, "peace, solidarity and justice." The message to Obama was sent through the office of Mary Ann Glendon, the U.S. ambassador to the Holy See.
Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Vatican secretary of state, also sent a message of congratulations. Plans are already underway at the Vatican to send a formal message for the Inauguration in January in addition to the Holy Father's personal message of yesterday. In past years, the Vatican custom has been that the pope congratulates a new U.S. president only when he formally takes office, so there was great appreciation for the Holy Father taking the special step of sending a personal message of good wishes.
Others joined with the Holy Father and Cardinal Betrone in sending positive messages about the election. The Vatican newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, headlined a very positive commentary saluting the President Elect, entitled "A choice that unites." Vatican Radio called the election of Obama a "historic day" for the United States. Asianews, a Rome-based missionary news agency, ran under the headline: "I'm happy for the victory of Barack Obama." Written by Father Piero Gheddo, a member of the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions, the commentary listed three reasons for satisfaction at the result:-- Obama will give a positive impression of the United States at a time when "America is seen in a bad light and even hated throughout the world."-- The election of the first black U.S. president offers a lesson on racial equality, especially for Europe. It is an extraordinarily encouraging sign for black people around the world, who have often faced humiliation, it said.
Pope Benedict XVI sent a personal message to President-elect Barack Obama yesterday, congratulating him and offering his prayers for Obama and for all the people of the United States.
Father Federico Lombardi, SJ, Vatican spokesman, said the pope congratulated President Elect Obama, his wife and family, and "assured him of his prayers that God would help him with his high responsibilities for his country and for the international community." The pope also prayed that "the blessing of God would sustain him and the American people so that with all people of good will they could build a world of peace, solidarity and justice." Asked if the pope mentioned any specific issues he was concerned about, Father Lombardi responded, "peace, solidarity and justice." The message to Obama was sent through the office of Mary Ann Glendon, the U.S. ambassador to the Holy See.
Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Vatican secretary of state, also sent a message of congratulations. Plans are already underway at the Vatican to send a formal message for the Inauguration in January in addition to the Holy Father's personal message of yesterday. In past years, the Vatican custom has been that the pope congratulates a new U.S. president only when he formally takes office, so there was great appreciation for the Holy Father taking the special step of sending a personal message of good wishes.
Others joined with the Holy Father and Cardinal Betrone in sending positive messages about the election. The Vatican newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, headlined a very positive commentary saluting the President Elect, entitled "A choice that unites." Vatican Radio called the election of Obama a "historic day" for the United States. Asianews, a Rome-based missionary news agency, ran under the headline: "I'm happy for the victory of Barack Obama." Written by Father Piero Gheddo, a member of the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions, the commentary listed three reasons for satisfaction at the result:-- Obama will give a positive impression of the United States at a time when "America is seen in a bad light and even hated throughout the world."-- The election of the first black U.S. president offers a lesson on racial equality, especially for Europe. It is an extraordinarily encouraging sign for black people around the world, who have often faced humiliation, it said.
He then went into the sacristy and puked his guts out.
It's no surprise that liberal Catholics, like those sponsoring this blog, interpret the Holy Father's comments as a sign that he, like them, has decided to abandon the unborn to the tender mercies of Obama's allies in the abortion industry. That's not true, of course. What may be true is that the sponsors of Catholics for Obama-Biden couldn't care less about what the Holy Father has to say on any subject other than Barack Obama.
Holy Father, we join with you in celebrating the election of Barack Obama as President of the USA!!!!
What a shame that a woman with such a beautiful Marian name would celebrate the election of the most pro-abortion President in US history. Our Lady must be weeping.
Tears of joy from Our Lady. She too was a person of color. She too cared for the poor ("...and the rich are sent away empty.")
Barack Obama would not be president if it were not for the strong support he recieved from Catholics.
The Cathedral is already planning a special Mass in celebration of the Inauguration!!!
Tears of sorrow is more like it for the 1.2 million babies per year that are killed by the evil of abortion. Remember when a baby is killed they cannot be fed.
Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us!
Copy that and put in in your browser.
The bishops go on to emphasize that Catholics must not reject a candidate based solely on one issue, even abortion. Rather, voters should strive to effect change in their political parties and weigh competing interests when choosing candidates.
I've said this to a bunch of my friends who are upset with the election of Obama due to the abortion issue. If you're upset about it, let those feelings of anger and sadness propel you towards real, tangible action. If you're not working towards the solution, then you're part of the problem. Period.
If you want to end abortion in this country, balance your prayer with your work and tend physically to the mothers who have very, very tough choices to make. If all you do is complain or whine, you'll feel better and more self-righteous for a few minutes, but it won't produce any fruit.
Instead of wasting time arguing about it, do something constructive about it. Pray - along with our Holy Father the Pope - for President-Elect (because he is now) Obama's ability to reduce abortion through benefiting the society in other ways. Help out at a crisis pregnancy center. Make phone calls. Have (educated, real, EMPATHETIC) discussions with folks about our faith in ways that will help them come closer to Christ, not in ways that will drive them further away.
Pope Benedict is turning out to be a liberal. Giving communion to Pelosi, praising Obama, allowing altar girls. Such a disappointment.
You know what, Christy, practically EVERY person I know who is anti-abortion is ACTIVELY involved in helping to bring and end to this abomination. Including working crisis pregnancy centers, etc. This is a false argument used over and over and over again by Obama supporters.
We don't just whine and complain we are out there in the trenches. Stop the crap!!
And what are you doing, Christy? Not only do I march and pray for life, I support a support a crisis pregnancy center with my money and time. I'm also active in St. Vincent dePaul, helping to alleviate the suffering of the poor in my community. I wonder if Regina - or you - can say the same, or whether you think it's enough
Incidentally, Regina. There are at least two poor people of color that Obama hasn't bothered to help: his brother living in squalor in Kenya and his aunt in that slum in Boston. Like Biden, who has given about $3000 to charity in the past ten years, these people don't put their money where their rhetoric is.
Absolutely, Mark!
"You know what, Christy, practically EVERY person I know who is anti-abortion is ACTIVELY involved in helping to bring and end to this abomination. Including working crisis pregnancy centers, etc. "
That is not my experience. At least I will tell you this. Not a single person I know who volunteers at a crisis pregancy center uses the kind of language toward their clients -- women considering 'murdering their children' -- that is hurled here at people who simply voted for Obama. It seems these centers are all run by liberals.
Many of you are sad. Simply put, just sad people in general. A wonderful event has just occurred in the US--one that our Holy Father has recognized as wonderful--and there is nothing but nay-saying coming from your mouths, and through your keyboards. If everyone that has argued that they are so very involved with servicing the unborn would get off of their computers and do something, they'd probably find that they didn't have the time to be so negative.
You cannot assume as to what Our Lady is thinking, or as to what our Holy Father is feeling, beyond what he says. Who do you think you are?
If you have something negative to say about our Holy Father, then decide quickly if you believe your statements and arguments trump his. If so, then perhaps you have become your own self-proclaimed Pope?
Pray as much as you'd like, and press forth as hard as you can. We are all doing the same, and I can confidently say that I am doing so with love in my heart. If love is in your heart, you will be slow to knock your fellow Catholics.
And Rustler...*sigh*. Nevermind.
a.pi brain said: "A wonderful event has just occurred in the US--one that our Holy Father has recognized as wonderful--"
No, the Holy Father is not recognizing Obama's election as wonderful. He would have said the same exact thing if McCain had won. He is a diplomat for the Vatican. It's what diplomats have to do. He has to work with Obama. We don't, but the Pope does.
REGINA SAID: "Tears of joy from Our Lady. She too was a person of color."
Wrong on both counts Regina. The Blessed Mother isn't having any tears of joy over the deaths of the innocent children that Obama is and will be responsible for. Just how do you think she feels about his vote to withhold treatment to surviving aborted babies? You think she has tears of joy over that?
Next, she is a Jew. Jews are caucasion.
ANON SAID: "The bishops go on to emphasize that Catholics must not reject a candidate based solely on one issue, even abortion."
Which bishops said that? The ones who did have contradicted the Catechism.
BUT Obama is not a "one issue" candidate. He can be rejected on all five of the non-negotiables.
KURT: "It seems these centers are all run by liberals."
It may seeeeeem that way to you, but we need to consider the source.
KATHERINE SAID: "I don't support a candidate who favors abortion. I support Senator Obama."
AND THEN KATHERINE SAYS, "I oppose FOCA and disagree with Senator Obama on that issue."
Just which way is it Katherine???????
I KNEW IT...... I KNEW IT!!!!!
"We don't just whine and complain we are out there in the trenches. Stop the crap!!"
Yea, I'm sure hustler and ringo really spend a lot of time helping out unwed mothers.
i think it is wonderful the pope went beyond the normal protocol and sent a personal letter to Obama in addition to the formal statement. Viva papa!!!!!!
ringo, why do you think obama is gay? Or that Emanuel is a ballerina? It seems to me you are even more deluded than hustler. Do you have any inkling about Emanuel's background? My guess, given his Israeli army training, is that he could put you down and out forever in a matter of seconds. They are both family guys with children. Shame on you both for your homophobic ranting.
Jeez, you are really doing a bang up job to discredit American conservatives, some of whom are honorable people. If you are truly opposed to Obama, wouldn't it make more sense for you to act like you are and pose as Communists for Obama?
What I love about you guys is that you can be told a million times how counterproctive your tactics are and you still don't get it.
You're my new best friends. Froth on.
rustler and the rest of the right wing got spanked. big time. major league. dustbin of history for rustler. haha.
Yeah Katherine, Now answer my question.
Just which way is it Katherine???????
"she is a Jew. Jews are caucasion."
Bad spelling and lack of capitalization aside, today most scientists who study human genotypic and phenotypic variation use concepts such as "population" and "clinal gradation" rather than race. Many contend that while racial categorizations may be marked by phenotypic or genotypic traits, the idea of race itself, and actual divisions of persons into races or racial groups, are social constructs. Surely, you concur, hustler? Or were you one of those guys singing with along with Borat in that Texas bar?
MORON JOW SAID: "Or that Emanuel is a ballerina?"
They said he is on CNN and FOX.
HOMOPHOBE JOW SAID: "Shame on you both for your homophobic ranting."
Please quote me Jow.
Tell us, you're a homo aren't you Jow? Only homos call other people homophobes.
And furthermore as a Catholic you are not supposed to be tolerant of homosexuality.
You're practicing transference again Jow. Man, you have one psycho problem after another. Quit taking things so personal and getting defensive with us.
We all knew you were gay to start with, but nobody's been giving you any trouble about it. So knock it off.
WHINER JOW SAID: "If you are truly opposed to Obama, wouldn't it make more sense for you to act like you are and pose as Communists for Obama?"
No, you're already doing a great at that. We wouldn't want to take your job.
JOW THE FRICKIN' SCIENTIFIC GENIUS SAID: "Bad spelling and lack of capitalization aside, today most scientists who study human genotypic and phenotypic blah blah blah blah...."
SO....you're the blog spellchecker now...on you first day in here already. Jow, didn't anyone tell yu that internet etiquate doesen't pearmit blabbing aboOt typos ADN CAPS? It indicates a strong problem associated with feelings of inferiority and dunceman ship.
And besides Regina is the one who suggested that the Blessed Virgin and Jesus are colored. (Perhaps Regina feels superior to them because she's white?) Are you are nitwit or what? Jow do you realize that when you jump into something with both feet in your big mouth that you always land on your ass?
JOWBAMMA SAID: "Or were you one of those guys singing with along with Borat in that Texas bar?"
Who's Borat? Another one of your funny buddies? Jow, you're a sociopath. YOU need help badly.
I can make some suggestions if you'd like.
OSAMA BIN LADEN AND HUGO CHAVEZ SAID: "Holy Father, we join with you in celebrating the election of Barack Obama as President of the USA!!!!"
hustler wrote: "Only homos call other people homophobes. And furthermore as a Catholic you are not supposed to be tolerant of homosexuality."
--> I'm not homosexual. I have a wife, four children and have been married for over 20 years. It is ridiculous to say that only homos call other people homophobes. And where in Catholic teaching does it state that we are not supposed to "tolerate" homosexuals? The teaching is quite the opposite.
Well, it's time for bed. I won't be lonely or disappointed tonight. Froth on, hustler and ringo. Rub-a-dub-dub.
"Who's Borat? Another one of your funny buddies?" .... You really were one of those guys singing in that Texas bar, weren't you? Go figure.
another prolifer celebraing obama's presidency:
Actually, joe the hairdresser, it says right on Rahm's bio all over the internet that he is a ballet dancer. Rustler did not make it up.
Also, Katherine, I would be careful if I were you. You say Rustler will end up on the dustbin of history? You have much more to worry about than that. In your arrogance in bragging about going to Communion, hinting that the Holy Father somehow endorses Obama, etc. etc. You, my dear, may end up on the dustbin of eternity. A MUCH more serious end.
anomie, Rahm is not a ballerina. So hustler is no more right than rush. Rahm is also a trained killer. He also has quite the temper. George Bush did away with all kinds of privacy protections. You should be careful about that dustbin of eternity, too, just like we should all be.
JOW THE ZOMBIE SAID: "And where in Catholic teaching does it state that we are not supposed to "tolerate" homosexuals?"
You fell right into my trap. You gave us a great demonstration of how you like to twist things. I said, "...as a Catholic you are not supposed to be tolerant of homosexuality."
You of course, interpreted that as homosexuals. I expected that. I told one of my friends when I posted it, "Just watch what he does with that."
You're too predictable Jow. Don't be telling me anymore about how, as a Catholic, I should be nice to liberals so that McCain will win.
You better check this out Jow unless you're to afraid of a virus.
Bob Hope on Obama.
HOMEBOY JOW SAID: --> I'm not homosexual. I have a wife, four children and have been married for over 20 years.
Of course and you said you're not a communist as well.
Jow, get real. How many times have I been told that and then later the admission comes right out of the closet?
I have never heard anyone who wasn't homo call anyone else a homophobe. They have no reason to. Everybody else knows it's a made up word that homos made up to throw at their enemies. Intelligent people don't use it.
Guess that leaves you out.
Jow, quick question. Did Katherine invite you in here just so you could get your ass kicked?
ANON SAID: "Rahm is also a trained killer. He also has quite the temper."
Thanks, that gives us a great mental picture of Rahm in a fit of anger while doing his ballerina act and shooting people in the audience.
I think you are confusing Rahm Emanuel with Rudy Giuliani.
Getting out my dancing shoes for the Ball on January 20th!!!
I got that, joy, joy, joy, joy, joy in my heart!!!
I am still working on getting tickets for the Mass the Archbishop is celebrating for the swearing in of the new President and Vice President.
Happy Times!
Hate to tell you, other anonymous, but Rustler is totally right about the ballet dancing. There is a story from Rolling Stone saying that Rahm was so good he won a scholarship to the Joffrey Ballet. The Times Online states he turned down the scholarship to study dance at Sarah Lawrence College. Go and find them....they are right there to read! Sorry!
You dingbat! A ballerina refers to a female ballet dancer. What difference does it make if he was good at ballet? You think he is gay? Why don't you walk up to him and tell him so and challenge him to a fight? You do know about his training in Israel, right? Maybe that wasn't in the Rolling Stone Magazine. What the hell are you reading RS for? Don't you know how gay that is???
Looks like someone has been paling around with homosexuals if he knows this to be the case:
"I have never heard anyone who wasn't homo call anyone else a homophobe."
Dingbat? Such class. Is that how you always respond to people who point out that you are wrong. You said he didn't study ballet....I said there is proof out there that he did. I found it by doing a google and RS popped up. I figured you would probably be the type that would think RS was a good source for reading material. Hey, you didn't comment about the Times Online. I don't give a fig if he is a ballet dancer. If he was in the Clinton admnistration I am sure he is a fool.
Where did anyone write that he didn't study ballet? Seems to me that dingbat is incredibly civil and even a form of endearment compared to vile racist, homophobic and anti-semitic diatribes of rustlerlessthanzero and johnpaulgeorgeandringo -- but their invective doesn't seem to bother you. I'm sooo sorry, however, if I upset your dainty sensibilities. Need a hanky?
"I found it by doing a google and RS popped up"
And so you had to click on it and had to read it? No effort at "Father, leadest me not into temptation'? Seems like you rushed headlong into it. That's OK. We all understand how difficult it is for you. How long you been paling around with that cowboy? Gitty-up!
I didn't even have to know he was a ballerina, i could tell he was gay at the first look I got of him. he's queer as a footballbat.
Anonymous said...
"Looks like someone has been paling around with homosexuals if he knows this to be the case:
"I have never heard anyone who wasn't homo call anyone else a homophobe.""
Yeah, homos like you just keep popping out of the woodwork.
You best watch your spelling around here. If JOW THE SPELLCHECKER sees you spelling palling with only one L he's going to be on you like stink on.....
"Seems to me that dingbat is incredibly civil and even a form of endearment compared to vile racist, homophobic and anti-semitic diatribes of rustlerlessthanzero and johnpaulgeorgeandringo --"
Another homo Democrat tries to insult. Notice he is so cowardly that he has to post ANONYMOUSLY. What's the matter moron? Afraid big bad ole Rustler is going to get you?
Come on out now and tell us your name and what species of snake you come from.
No wonder you post on Katherine's blog.....you talk in circles...just like she does. You are a nut!
This is what's in store for you. Worse than hellfire and brimstone:
Obama calls for swift action on economy (AP)
"AP - President-elect Obama said Friday that the country is facing the greatest economic challenge in a lifetime and "we're going to have to act swiftly to resolve it."
What gave him his first clue? Quickly? hahahaha LIKE WUT'S HE GONNA DO? He's done for. A complete moron is running the country. He's been set up for a fall and doesn't even see it coming. The economy is so bad that it doesn't have chance. You people should have voted for morality instead of economy.
And guess why the economy is so bad? Yep, it's the Marxists again. Dems AND Repubs, but most the Democrats, for 50 or more years.
"I bring you back to the two convenience store workers that we had on today that I asked him about, you know, redistribution of wealth and More-On Trivia: Well, we're going to take that money from those evil rich people, aren't we? Two of them, two of them said, "I hope so. You bet, I hope so." -- Glenn Beck
"I didn't even have to know he was a ballerina, i could tell he was gay at the first look I got of him. he's queer as a footballbat.
I just did an image search on him. He is one weird looking dude!
That Obama, you know the illegal alien that is trying to get in the White House. He can sure pick'em.
Illegal alien? Oh I forgot he's a Democrat. They are above the law.
If these guys had the courage of their convictions, they would be in jail for refusing to pay taxes that support authorities who countenance, encourage, and fund abortions. They are cowardly wusses and hypocrits of of the worst kind. All talk, but they don't walk the walk.
Good work Katherine. You and thousands of others helped make this possible.
A COWARDLY ANONYMOUS SPAMMER SAID: "I have as much right to be incipid, redundant and sound like a broken record as you guys."
Well dummass, you have certainly accomplished that.
A COWARDLY ANONYMOUS SPAMMER SAID: If you guys had the courage....
And here's snipe who doesn't have the backbone to post with a name telling somebody about courage.
MR. CHICKEN BLEEP SAID: "...if you had any real moral fiber, you'd be in jail for refusing to pay taxes...."
I suppose you are writing from your jail cell?
Keep on talking bleephead.
I see Katherine, you're up to your old tricks again. Censorship and manipulation of the blogs. I must have really gotten to you in that other blog to make you delete all my posts and close the thread for posting. WOW! Is this the kind of freedom of speech we can expect from now on under Obama? Are you going to recommend that those of us who pass out anti-Obama leaflets be executed as was Sophie Scholl?
Just close this whole thing down and we'll all be better off.
Just know that these next posts that you deleted are going to be posted over at Ad Majorem and any other place I can find.
BEELZEEBUB SAID: "Good work Katherine. You and thousands of others helped make this possible."
KATHERINE SAID: "Could we have a bit more intellectual depth that "I'm right, you are wrong. I have the Truth, you do not"?
Intellectual depth? Wow Katherine! I didn't know you even knew such a big word. You don't know what intellectual depth is. Otherwise you'd be answering my questions. I wish I could find the quote you said the first time I asked you about your "proportionate reasons." I would put it in the thread in Lubyanka for "Stupid Quotes by Obama Supporters."
Want to repeat it for me?
And BTW you can't even get the percentages right for the real majority so why would you think we would even try to discuss something intellectual with you?
KATHERINE SAID: "It's marginally better than Rustler45's name calling, but not much."
When did I ever call you a name? The Card Carrying Communists called you the name "useful idiot" not me. Besides, I don't consider you to be useful.
I see. You had to delete/censor my post again. Embarrassed you didn't it? Had to eat a little crow? Not humble enough to leave it up? Where's all that humility now Katherine.
I am going to paste this everywhere I can so everyone can see it.
Hey I found this. KATHERINE SAID:
"Then he asks "What is a 'proportionate' reason when it comes to the abortion issue?"
"He answers his own question by saying it is something we will have to explain in the next life."
And from this Katherine "intellectually" concludes that the Archbishop is saying that you can vote for Obama because you're following your conscience.
Here's what she said, "I appreciate this pastoral approach. I appreciate his acknowledgement of many serious, admirable and sincere Catholics who differ with him in a particular election. I appreciate it that he sees their fault as a failure of reasoning rather than accusing them of a failure in morality or decency."
That's great Katherine. You're true intellectual.
Katherine, when he says, "...it is something we will have to explain in the next life."
He's telling you that it is a mortal sin. If your vote for Obama isn't immoral then you would not have to explain anything in the next life.
Let me interpret for you "explain in the next life." It means "answer for" in the next life. He was being diplomatic.
Sometimes the bishops are diplomatic when they should just speak out and tell it like it is.
"Based on this most recent statement, I won't say I don't have differences of opinion with Archbishop Chaput. But I would say they are differences of opinion between two people very much in love with Christ and, by that love, bound in fraternity with each other."
Well based on your quote here Katherine I am going to have to start a thread in Lubyanka and call it "Bullshit Quotes from Supporters of Obama."
I am doing that right now as we speak.CLICK HERE
You mean you guys don't realize what trolls and spammers you are?
I thought you were cognizant that is your sole and solemn purpose here on earth.
And thank you ever so much for recognizing that I have accomplished my goal of making you realize how insipid and redundant you guys are and how much you all sound like a broken record.
Jail? Been there, done that. Don't have to do it now that Obama is President. OBAMA. PRESIDENT. PRESIDENT OBAMA. 8 YEARS OF PRESIDENT OBAMA. And then prolly 8more years of Hillary. Ouchies. Did you notice the vote was 70-30% under 30 for Obama? You think that's going to reverse as more and more dinosaurs who will never vote for a Black man or a woman of any background die off?
If you guys had the courage of your convictions, you wouldn't opt for a cheap cop out. Like war and draft resisters, if you had any real moral fiber, you'd be in jail for refusing to pay taxes that support authorities who countenance, encourage, and fund abortions. You rightwing nuts are cowardly wusses and hypocrits of of the worst kind. All talk, but no walking the walk.
Need a little cheese with that wine? You're gonna need a lot of it over the next 8 years. EIGHT YEARS OF OBAMA! Whine, Whine and more Whine.
HE ONLY SAID ONE THING: Whine Whine Whine Whine Whine Whine Whine Whine Whine Whine Whine Whine Whine Whine Whine Whine Whine Whine Whine Whine Whine Whine Whine Whine Whine Whine Whine Whine
rusty --
we won. you lost. haha.
The Reign of Lame Falls Mainly on McCain
by Ann Coulter
Last night was truly a historic occasion: For only the second time in her adult life, Michelle Obama was proud of her country!
The big loser of this election is Colin Powell, whose last-minute endorsement of Obama put the Illinois senator over the top. Powell was probably at home last night, yelling at his TV, "Are you KIDDING me? That endorsement was sarcastic!"
The winner, of course, is Obama, who must be excited because now he can start hanging out in public with Bill Ayers and Rev. Jeremiah Wright again. John McCain is a winner because he can resume buying more houses.
And we're all winners because we will never again have to hear McCain say, "my friends."
After Bill Clinton won the 1992 presidential election, Hillary Clinton immediately announced that, henceforth, she would be known as "Hillary Rodham Clinton." So maybe Obama can now become B. Hussein Obama, his rightful name.
This was such an enormous Democratic year that even John Murtha won his congressional seat in Pennsylvania after calling his constituents racists. It turns out they're not racists -- they're retards. Question: What exactly would one have to say to alienate Pennsylvanians? That Joe Paterno should retire?
Apparently Florida voters didn't mind Obama's palling around with Palestinian activist Rashid Khalidi and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, either. There must be a whole bunch of retired Pennsylvania Jews down there.
Have you ever noticed that whenever Democrats lose presidential elections, they always blame it on the personal qualities of their candidate? Kerry was a dork, Gore was a stiff, Dukakis was a bloodless android, Mondale was a sad sack.
This blame-the-messenger thesis allows Democrats to conclude that their message was fine -- nothing should be changed! The American people are clamoring for higher taxes, big government, a defeatist foreign policy, gay marriage, the whole magilla. It was just this particular candidate's personality.
Republicans lost this presidential election, and I don't blame the messenger; I blame the message. How could Republicans go after B. Hussein Obama (as he is now known) on planning to bankrupt the coal companies when McCain supports the exact same cap and trade policies and earnestly believes in global warming?
How could we go after Obama for his illegal alien aunt and for supporting driver's licenses for illegal aliens when McCain fanatically pushed amnesty along with his good friend Teddy Kennedy?
How could we go after Obama for Jeremiah Wright when McCain denounced any Republicans who did so?
How could we go after Obama for planning to hike taxes on the "rich," when McCain was the only Republican to vote against both of Bush's tax cuts on the grounds that they were tax cuts for the rich?
And why should Republican activists slave away working for McCain when he has personally, viciously attacked: John O'Neill and the Swift Boat Veterans, National Right to Life director Doug Johnson, evangelical pastors Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and John Hagee, various conservative talk radio hosts, the Tennessee Republican Party and on and on and on?
As liberal Democrat E.J. Dionne Jr. exuded about McCain in The Washington Post during the Republican primaries, "John McCain is feared by Democrats and liked by independents." Dionne proclaimed that McCain "may be the one Republican who can rescue his party from the undertow of the Bush years."
Similarly, after unelectable, ultraconservative Reagan won two landslide victories, James Reston of The New York Times gave the same advice to Vice President George H.W. Bush: Stop being conservative! Bush was "a good man," Reston said in 1988, "and might run a strong campaign if liberated from Mr. Reagan's coattails."
Roll that phrase around a bit -- "liberated from Mr. Reagan's coattails." This is why it takes so long to read the Times -- you have to keep reading the same paragraph over again to see if you missed a word.
Bush, of course, rode Reagan's ultraconservative coattails to victory, then snipped those coattails by raising taxes and was soundly defeated four years later.
I keep trying to get Democrats to take my advice (stop being so crazy), but they never listen to me. Why do Republicans take the advice of their enemies?
How many times do we have to run this experiment before Republican primary voters learn that "moderate," "independent," "maverick" Republicans never win, and right-wing Republicans never lose?
Indeed, the only good thing about McCain is that he gave us a genuine conservative, Sarah Palin. He's like one of those insects that lives just long enough to reproduce so that the species can survive. That's why a lot of us are referring to Sarah as "The One" these days.
Like Sarah Connor in "The Terminator," Sarah Palin is destined to give birth to a new movement. That's why the Democrats are trying to kill her. And Arnold Schwarzenegger is involved somehow, too. Good Lord, I'm tired.
After showing nearly superhuman restraint throughout this campaign, which was lost the night McCain won the California primary, I am now liberated to announce that all I care about is hunting down and punishing every Republican who voted for McCain in the primaries. I have a list and am prepared to produce the names of every person who told me he was voting for McCain to the proper authorities.
We'll start with former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and Florida Gov. Charlie Crist. Then we shall march through the states of New Hampshire and South Carolina -- states that must never, ever be allowed to hold early Republican primaries again.
For now, we have a new president-elect. In the spirit of reaching across the aisle, we owe it to the Democrats to show their president the exact same kind of respect and loyalty that they have shown our recent Republican president.
Starting tomorrow, if not sooner.
Palin-Giuliani 2012!
Who's going to spend more on outfits?
Cowardly troll spammer cowboy just can't shut up!
Anonymous said...
Cowardly troll spammer cowboy just can't shut up!
You guys are so cute when you get beat.
Well, the conservatives are now as impotent as Rustler's flacid ....
Cowboy, your ravings and address have already been sent to your favorite "ballerina."
And who here's a "JOW" (sic???)? Do you have some kind of strange spelling impediment? Or is it like you said: "If you're going to say something insulting you have to have enough brains to do it."
And in response to your comment, "THAT WAY YOU WON'T HAVE TO CENSOR MY FREE SPEECH," it seems to me that you are confusing your body functions.
God and the Mossad work in mysterious ways.
Mark Gordon, thank you for your comments. I thank you for being the voice for Catholics here, and not being afraid to speak for your Church.
Regina, you quoted the Magnificat in your defense of voting for Obama. Do you remember that the Magnificat was the prayer exclaimed by Mary when Elizabeth's child (John the Baptist) leapt for joy in his mother's womb, at the sound of God's voice through Mary (who was in her womb)? And yet you still believe that Mary herself would support a man who would destroy those lives?
PS... let's stop with all this berating. It's infantile, it's rude, and I think BOTH sides of Catholics here would agree it's not very Christian.
I pray Christ will humble us enough to pray earnestly for the leader he ordained.
JOW said..."God and the Mossad work in mysterious ways."
Yeah, but you don't. You're a moron. You're entertainment level is getting lower and your grammar worse.
Refer back to rule #1. If you're going to say something insulting you have to have enough brains to do it.
Keep trying Jow.
Catholics have spoken 54-45% in favor of Obama:
I thank you for being the voice for Catholics here,
JOW THE DUMMY SAID: "And who here's a "JOW" (sic???)?"
Howdy there Cowpoke! 8 Years of Obama and then 8 years of Hillary. Giddyap! And decreasing numbers of abortions in those 16 years. But you don't care about that do you? All you care about is being self-righteous and holier-than-thou. But you ain't! Can I say ain't in front of someone with your superiour intelligence, Cowboy? Yippie-aye-yay! OBAMA!
Hey Cowpoke? Why won't you answer? Who here's a "JOW" (sic???)? Do you have some kind of strange spelling impediment? Or is it like you said: "If you're going to say something insulting you have to have enough brains to do it."
JOW SAID: "Catholics have spoken 54-45% in favor of Obama:
I thank you for being the voice for Catholics here"
Burch: "The notion of what constitutes the "Catholic vote" is widely debated. While Obama won the Catholic vote overall 54% - 45%, among Catholics who attend mass every week, McCain won 55% - 43%. Clearly the main reason Obama succeeded overall was the fact that Catholic voters echoed the concerns of the rest of the electorate in citing the economy as their top issue.
"They concluded that Obama’s economic policies would benefit them more, and ignored the teaching authority of many bishops who explained that concerns about the economy do not justify a vote for a pro-abortion candidate."
"They concluded that Obama’s economic policies would benefit them more...."
I guess they just couldn't resist the pieces of silver.
Plus the fact that a traitor always feels better when he has a percentage on his side.
Thanks ever so much for posting the article by Ann Coulter.
I especially liked the part where she called Pennsylvanian retards.
It got even better when she said that a lot of the Jews in Florida who voted for Obama migrated down from this same populace.
I hope that in 2012 Mrs. Palin will select Ann Coulter as her running mate. They will be an unbeatable team that you liberals will not be able to bear and then you will all have to move to Pennsylvania where you will be among your own kind, you morons!
And you tell them, Mr, Rustler!
Even if the liberals refuse to debate the real meaning of the 54-45% victory of liberal Catholics, that doesn't mean we won't be able to strike down this illegal election because Obama is not even a citizen and besides he's a Muslim who kills babies! And he'll probably move the White House to Pennsylvania where he can be by his own kind!
MARXIST JOW SAID: "Hey Cowpoke? Why won't you answer? Who here's (sic) a "JOW" (sic???)?"
Jow, nobody hears you. You're blubbering.
That JOW business is really getting to you isn't it?
Now ask me again Mr. Genius.
JOW, the voice of reason said...
"Thanks ever so much for posting the article by Ann Coulter."
You are welcome.
JOW THE MARXIST VOICE OF REASONE SAID: "...Obama is not even a citizen and besides he's a Muslim who kills babies! And he'll probably move the White House to Pennsylvania where he can be by his own kind!"
Have you switched sides on us JOW?
I guess once a traitor, always a traitor. How about, it's your turn now. You can post an article by Jane Fonda. OK?
Jow. Yes you Jow. I am talking to you.
It's your turn.
Stand up and say something else stupid for us.
We're waiting.
Christ ordained Obama????? Now this blog has really gone over the top!
Why Mr. Rustler, I do declare. Why do you think some JOW (you are so witty and funny) would post any article like I did. Here's the article again. Why are you so confused Mr. Rustler? Don't you understand that we both like Mrs. Palin? Don't you think Ann Coulter is just the best? No Marxist would ever post anything like I did which was:
Thanks ever so much for posting the article by Ann Coulter.
I especially liked the part where she called Pennsylvanian retards.
It got even better when she said that a lot of the Jews in Florida who voted for Obama migrated down from this same populace.
I hope that in 2012 Mrs. Palin will select Ann Coulter as her running mate. They will be an unbeatable team that you liberals will not be able to bear and then you will all have to move to Pennsylvania where you will be among your own kind, you morons!
And you tell them, Mr, Rustler!
Even if the liberals refuse to debate the real meaning of the 54-45% victory of liberal Catholics, that doesn't mean we won't be able to strike down this illegal election because Obama is not even a citizen and besides he's a Muslim who kills babies! And he'll probably move the White House to Pennsylvania where he can be by his own kind!
JOW THE VOICE OF REASON SAID: "I especially liked the part where she called Pennsylvanian (sic) retards."
Jow, thanks for saying something stupid, but we wanted something new. We're waiting for your article by Jane Fonda.
JOW, Refer back to rule #1. If you're going to say something insulting you have to have enough brains to do it.
Joe, anon, whatever and whoever you are...
Please stop. Jerking around this Cowboy Rustler guy is like pulling the wings off a fly and make us all watch it struggle as you torture it.
Please try to rise above his inanity and just leave him alone. My granddaddy long ago taught me what not to do with a stick when something on the ground looks like guano.
keep trying hustler. yeah i know yours is still flacid, but try harder. Oh, I'm sorry. Looks like four years of impotency for you.
All your impressive posts, but nothing to show for it.
ANONYMOUS CHICKEN BLEEP SAID: "Please stop. Jerking around this Cowboy Rustler guy is like pulling the wings off a fly and make us all watch it struggle as you torture it."
Oh no, this is tooooo much fun seeing an idiot trying to make himself look smart.
JOW self-smarts himself.
I guess all Obama supporters are the same.
HOMO JOW SAID: "keep trying hustler. yeah i know yours is still flacid, but try harder. Oh, I'm sorry. Looks like four years of impotency for you."
You sure are fixated on my genitals. I think a visit to NARTH.com should help you with your sexual inferiority.
Jow, that's your problem. You read too many books and your brain is now so full it can't get the oxygen supply it needs.
Silly me, and I thought you had it stuck in your ....
I didn't write that post about your impotency Cowpoke. Bye. It's prolly been too much fun. Good luck in getting Palin nominated by the GOP come 2012.
Katherine, please keep your blog open for the foreseeable future. Otherwise Rust will be going thru some serious withdrawal symptoms!
One of the aspects of Christianity is charity for the downtrodden!
take care, blessings
yeah, Katherine, the LOSER needs something to do. His postings here before the election proves his impotency.
Hustler, what's that big "L" on your forehead? hahahahaha
200+ posts by rusty and Obama wins the biggest Democratic victory since 1964. Impotent does seem to be the word.
Rusty, you couldn't beat a muslim socialist baby-killing friend of terrorists. Do you hav no effective manly skills? Guess not, buddy.
We need to back in 2012 to do the same bang-up job you did this year, pal.
hay shiloh sean and joe, as you celebrate your muslim victory i would like to answer a question. since he is really big on FOCA, how will you guys propose killing 3 month old babies, at home then toss em' in a dumpster or just toss em on the roadside. obama doesn't want to give them a birth certificate till after three months so they are non-human.
you are all catholics in good standing after voting for a guy who wants to kill 3 month old babies aren't ya?
i want you rat scum skanks to answer........how does obama propose killing 3 month old babies.......and once he get that little program under way are you all still great catholics for giving the snotball that power....2 easy questions......don't change the subject.
Ringo, you'll never get an answer from these sorry scumbags. NEVER. They know they are wrong.
They have NO proportionate reasons and they call ME impotent.
It helps salve their filthy consciences. I wonder how the Catholics who supported Hitler felt when they succeeded putting him in power? Did they gloat like this? Probably, but they're not gloating now.
This guy is even worse than Hitler and they're proud of him.
Hitler is only credited with killing 6 million. How many million is Mcbamma responsible for?
Remember this scumsuckers, your Muslim communist is PRO The five Non-negotiables
1. Abortion.
2. Euthanasia.
3. Embryonic stem cell research.
4. Human cloning.
5. Same-sex marriage (adoption).
Any one of them alone is reason that a vote against him is obligatory.
Obama is in favor of all five of the non-negotiables. That means a Catholic cannot in good conscience vote for him. To vote for him is a mortal sin and you are rejecting your Catholic faith. You are in essence, a traitor and a heretic. You cannot approach the altar for communion.
And you call that potency? The saddest thing about this election is not the fact that a wacko dunce won it. It's the fact that half the Catholics out there prostituted themselves and now are proud of it.
You dunces think you can insult me? You have got to be kidding. I am superior to everyone of you in every way there is. You have no clue as to what I have done in my life, but I have done it all! I have achieved REAL success and you morons have accomplished nothing. It is impossible for inferior people to insult me.
So NO Ringo. You will never get them to answer. There is no answer. There are no proportionate reasons. They are the lowest of the low and they think that they are not impotent. They are far worse than impotent. They have betrayed their faith, their country, their families, their friends, and even their dogs. Their dogs should hide and tuck their tails when one of these scallywags comes into the room.
“No worse fate can befall a man than to be surrounded by traitor souls.” --William S. Burroughs
Ringo, that is the fate that has befallen us. We're surrounded by traitors. Judases all. And THEY ARE SO HAPPY THAT THEY HAVE A "MAJORITY."
ringo stalin said...
i want you rat scum skanks to answer........
Ringo, you obviously have a wonderful economy with words,
I look forward to your next syllable with great eagerness. ~ Sir John Gielgud
take care, blessings
SEAN SAID: "Rusty, you couldn't beat a muslim socialist baby-killing friend of terrorists."
Of course not. How could anyone win against a Church full of toady little chickenbleeps like you?
I am surprised though that you admit what he is.
ASSBITER SHYTER SAID: "Ringo, you obviously have a wonderful economy with words...."
He sure described you accurately.
"like mindless imps they slaver and grin as they dance among bodies of dead children and in ultimate confusion they imagine that we envy them."
Hey, Katherine, I love the countdown clock. President Obama, isn't that fantastic.
Glad the Pope sent such a great message to the President Elect.
yes martin m..........won't it be great when then real child killing begins in ernest......are you a real catholic too?
MARTIN MORON SAID: "Hey, Katherine, I love the countdown clock. President Obama, isn't that fantastic. Glad the Pope sent such a great message to the President Elect."
What? Are you a total idiot? I have seen every one your posts. They aren't worth the time to reply to. I make exception this time. I have a special place over in Lubyanka Prison. It's in the section called "NITWITS, LUNATICS, AND ZOMBIES." EVER BEEN THERE? WELL I HAVE THREAD CALLED "STUPID QUOTES BY OBAMA CATHOLICS."
Hey Ringo, that's an excellent question. You're right. Obama wants to withhold giving out birth certificates until the baby is 3 months old! That's so the mother can choose. When she chooses to kill it how is that going to happen? Are they going to have kit at Wallmart so you can do it yourself, grind it up and flush it down the toilet, or do you just take it back to the doctor so he can pull it arms and legs off and squash its head, or do you just take it to the funeral home and let them incinerate it?
ASSBITER SHYTER SAID: "One of the aspects of Christianity is charity for the downtrodden!"
That's exactly right. And the best charity that a Christian can do for the downtrodden is to kick the asses of those who are trodding them down!
You obviously, are one of those latter hyenas.
I realize you lowlife scumbag hyenas are out celebrating, but we want to hear an answer to Ringo's question.
will you rat scum stand before God and sing praises of obama as he wallows in the blood of children, why do none of you tell me of the democrat planned method for killing 3 month old children......how are you GOOD CATHOLICS planning those deaths. will the babies be allowed to scream. do you think God wanted you to bring this man to power?
Don't you find it interesting that all over the internet today the stories are about how Barry is studying how he will use his executive order power to overturn the Bush ban on embryonic stem cell research and the forcing of abortion down the throats of third world countries? I thought this was the man of love toward the unborn. You know....the one who said no one really likes abortion. Ha! Dr Jekyll/Mr. Hyde is more like it. He is not even in office yet and this is what he is talking about doing. Can FOCA be far behind?? You Catholics out there who voted for him should be so very proud of youselves.
How could anyone win against a Church full of toady little chickenbleeps like you?
Exactly. Hussein Obama will be president because of chickensh*t Catholics starting with the bishops. Of 500+ American bishops, only one -- ONE had the guts to stand up and say it was a sin to vote for barack Hussein Obama (Garcia). ONE OUT OF 500.
A couple of others fuzzed around the edges, Chaput and Hermann. Chaput cowardly said it was "his personal opinion". Hermann never said Obama by name. And the rest? Said nothing. Said Catholics should look at all issues. Or said confusing gobbly-gook that would never sink in with stupid minded Catholic voters.
There will be a protest today at the bishops conference in Baltimore by true Catholic outraged that the bishops' stab in the back. They are going to have the truth spoken to them. Obama was elected because of the backdoor support of the Catholic Church.
BETRAYAL by the Church. BETRAYAL by every bishop except Garcia.
Attention All Obama Supporters:
Staffers for Obama are already talking about "change". The Mexico City policy is the target of "change" so that abortions can be had by foreigners and at our expense no less. Also, federal funding of new stem cell lines ( babies to be exploited) in our country is also on the radar by Executive Order. This should make your skin cringe with disgust or at least send a tingle up your spine.
This is no surprise to those who actually take Obama at his word.
Obama Supporter Marching Orders:
Write to Obama and flood him, the so-called "real pro-life candidate" with phone calls and advise him not to make slaughtering of babies easier.
I challenge all of you supporters for Obama that insist you are pro-life that you should do something Catholic and stand up against him on the killing of the least among us.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Finish --
Talk to the Catholic bishops. They elected him.
"Exactly. Hussein Obama will be president because of chickensh*t Catholics starting with the bishops. Of 500+ American bishops, only one -- ONE had the guts to stand up and say it was a sin to vote for barack Hussein Obama (Garcia). ONE OUT OF 500."
We should be asking the bishops how they intend to kill the 3 month old babies. Nobody in this blog knows. Maybe the bishops do.
They ALL need to understand that when we use the word TRAITOR it is meant with the full force of its definition and that we are not exaggerating.
A traitor is someone who deserves hanging.
yes you did begin the unwinding of laws to protect the unborn.
yes you did further the dismantling of traditional marriage
yes you did further governmental funding of abortion here and abroad
yes you did scandalize others
yes you did, yes you did, yes you did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
"There will be a protest today at the bishops conference in Baltimore by true Catholic outraged that the bishops' stab in the back. Obama was elected because of the backdoor support of the Catholic Church."
>>>> Maybe you should all start a schism and elect rustler45 your new pope. I mean, gee whiz, only 1 one out 500 bishops is a "true Catholic," so why stay? How many of you will actually be there protesting at the bishops' conference? My guess is that most of you are instead much, much too busy posting on this blog today sitting on a comfortable, plush desk chair. That's the way to make a big impact! And you probably think hippies are lazy! At least they had the gumption to show up at demonstrations back in the day whether they were right or wrong. And you wonder why Obama won? You gotta be kidding me. Stop blaming everybody but yourselves. What a bunch of whiney losers.
And hey, didja hear about Cardinal Martini's lastest book? Whoa-ho boy! Are you ready? Do any of you read Chiesa (or do you think even that conservative paper is a mouthpiece for the Italian communist party?) Now mind you, this is a cardinal. And he was considered one of the leading contenders for the papacy (and don't count him out even now). And he won't get even a finger wagging, I bet, much less silenced or excommunicated.
Well, here you go from Sandro Magister in Chiesa:
But this time, there is an exception. In one chapter of the book, the explicit target is Paul VI's encyclical "Humanae Vitae," on marriage and procreation. Martini accuses it of causing "serious damage" by prohibiting artificial contraception: "many people have withdrawn from the Church, and the Church from people."
Martini accuses Paul VI of deliberately concealing the truth, leaving it to theologians and pastors to fix things by adapting precepts to practice:
"I knew Paul VI well. With the encyclical, he wanted to express consideration for human life. He explained his intention to some of his friends by using a comparison: although one must not lie, sometimes it is not possible to do otherwise; it may be necessary to conceal the truth, or it may be unavoidable to tell a lie. It is up to the moralists to explain where sin begins, especially in the cases in which there is a higher duty than the transmission of life."
In effect, the cardinal continues, "after the encyclical Humanae Vitae the Austrian and German bishops, and many other bishops, with their statements of concern followed a path along which we can continue today." It is a stance that expresses "a new culture of tenderness and an approach to sexuality that is more free from prejudice."
But after Paul VI came John Paul II, who "followed the path of rigorous application" of the prohibitions in the encyclical. "He didn't want there to be any doubts on this point. It seems that he even considered a declaration that would enjoy the privilege of papal infallibility."
And after John Paul II came Benedict XVI. Martini does not name him, and does not seem to have much confidence in him, but he hazards this prediction:
"Probably the pope will not revoke the encyclical, but he might write one that would be its continuation. I am firmly convinced that the Church can point out a better way than it did with Humanae Vitae. Being able to admit one's mistakes and the limitations of one's previous viewpoints is a sign of greatness of soul and of confidence. The Church would regain credibility and competence."
For the full article see:
todd the toady said... "Stop blaming everybody but yourselves. What a bunch of whiney losers."
No whining here. This is just post election analysis of the blame. Theres a lot of blame to go around.
Mr. Toady, if you are a Catholic you would be one person to blame.
Let's be HONEST and rationale. If one voted for Obama, one is to blame. If one supported him with funds one is to blame. If one supported him in writing or speech, one is to blame. If one supported him by silence on is to blame.
This is not difficult to understand.
I appreciate the number of bishops who spoke out this time around but the education should have started along time ago.
Some bishops still are afraid to be shepherds and others seem to be along merely for the ride or don't believe what the Church teaches when it comes to the life issue.
As far as speaking out in past years, the silence was alarming.
This time around, the bishops of Dallas and Ft. Worth were absolutely clear in laying out the principals to consider even to say that one's salvation may depended upon it.
A person who read the Dallas & Ft Worth bishops' letter and couldn't figure out who to vote for in the presidential race or any other race was not paying attention to the letter. The principles laid out apply to any election or office.
Pray, hope and don't worry.
St. Padre Pio
So why aren't you at the bishop's conference today?
Put up or shut up!
If you are infirm, then you should have finances a younger person who couldn't afford to go.
No, you think you can make a difference by posting on a pro-Obama blog like you are going to make some converts here speaking "truth" to "evil".
But since I am one of the people you think is to blame for Obama's victory (again no sense of personal responsiblity on your part -- so typical of right wing blah-blah-blah conservatives), I'd like to encourage you to keep spending your time posting here. Spend even more time doing so!
I just hope you guys report on how many of you showed up at the bishops' conference today. One out of 500 bishops agree with you! What are you going to do about it? Do you agree with Rustler45 that they are traitors who should be hung? How Catholic! How Christ-like!
We should be asking the bishops how they intend to kill the 3 month old babies. Nobody in this blog knows. Maybe the bishops do.
They ALL need to understand that when we use the word TRAITOR it is meant with the full force of its definition and that we are not exaggerating.
A traitor is someone who deserves hanging.
You got it, Rustler45.
Mahoney, Wuerl, George, should be the first to be hung. Then with most of the rest.
The bishops of Dallas and Ft. Worth don't get a pass. Maybe simply a forced resignation for them. Even they could not bring themselves to say "A vote for Obama is a sin. You cannot do it and be Catholic."
Except for Garcia, they are all traitors to the faith and should be hung. The Church has lost its way and now supports death.
ringo stalin and/or rustler45 wrote about the US bishops:
"we use the word TRAITOR it is meant with the full force of its definition and that we are not exaggerating.
A traitor is someone who deserves hanging."
Isn't it about time these bozos get reported for advocating terrorism????
I'm serious. Freedom of speech does not include incitement to hang bishops.
These posts should be called to the attention of blogger.com and to the extent possible they need to be traced.
after killing a 3 month old baby will you still be catholics in good standing?
The bishops would say yes, turd-piles that they are.
bingo fairy .........i never mentioned the bishops....you liar...you know my question.....let me put it in a hypothetical for ya......lets say a young couple has a month old baby and leaves it with the mother-in-law to baby sit, and she is a good catholic obama-ite, she knows they can't afford it, and being that it is 1 month old it is no where near being a human....so she cuts it's throat a throws it in the dumpster while they are at the movie. does she get an award from the OBAMANATION, or does she get a ticket or something.
by the way bingo fairy rustler is not upsetting you with talk about the bishops...............I am...now answer my questions!!!!
Ringo Stalin: I think it is very clear what your point of reference was.
And if not the bishops, who specifically or what group is it that you want hung?
Seriously, Katherine or Kurt, whoever you are, you really should report these guys to blogger.com and stop them from posting. It is no longer an issue of freedom of speech but rather one of advocating terrorism.
Bongo, not to worry, Rust/Ringo etc. are all bark and no bite. Totally passive/aggressive w/low self-esteem who spew their hatred on the net because it is the only outlet for those whom hardly ever venture outside into the real world.
They are harmless peeps and should be pitied for their kindergarten nonsense!
take care, blessings
will you democrat catholics of good standing stop stammering and answer me.......since doctors vow to do no harm how do you intend to kill healthy 3 month old children...will they be allowed to scream.......can anybody kill them....?
TODD THE TOAD SAID: "Maybe you should all start a schism and elect rustler45 your new pope."
Apparently you need me for your English tutor. You're an example of someone who was given more education than your simple mind could handle. You are a result of teachers who won't take a one word answer on a test. You took that to heart and thought that using a thousand words to answer would give you a better test score even though you didn't say anything intelligible.
AND THEN: You posted that long post by Sandro Magister who, like you can't speak straight enough to tell which side he is on. Typical. Liberals usually write like lawyers in order to hide their real meanings. I learned long ago that if I was reading something and couldn't make heads of tails of what he was trying to say--he was a lying liberal.
Notice TODD THE DUMMASS TOAD, you don't have a single problem understanding what I am saying or whose side I am on.
Now get back to the subject Toad. Why is it you're afraid to talk about the problem of how you're going to kill a 3 month old baby.
BONGO THE DUMMASS TRAITOR SAID: "Isn't it about time these bozos get reported for advocating terrorism????"
#1. You moron. Terrorists shoot people indiscriminately and do suicide bombings. They don't hang people. The courts are the ones who utilize the hangman's noose, not terrorists. By your ignorant ranting Saddam was hanged by terrorists.
#2. This is typical nonsense from a whiney assed Democrat who doesn't want to admit that he voted for killing 3 month old children.
Next, you tell me what the punishment should be for a traitor. Let's hear it moron.
AND now tell how you Democrats are going to kill those babies? Are you going to take them back to the doctor so he can pull their arms and legs off and squash their heads?
Answer the question or go somewhere else making your idiotic accusations.
BONGO DUMMASS SAID: "I'm serious. Freedom of speech does not include incitement to hang bishops."
o i forgot to ask .............will you democrats oppose the child's ability to scream at the time of it's death? this is important, i would like to know.
"These posts should be called to the attention of blogger.com and to the extent possible they need to be traced."
oh just shut up pinhead
The intent and the contextual reference is clear enough.
First posted by rustler45 (and echoed by true catholic and ringo stalin :
"We should be asking the bishops how they intend to kill the 3 month old babies. Nobody in this blog knows. Maybe the bishops do.
They ALL need to understand that when we use the word TRAITOR it is meant with the full force of its definition and that we are not exaggerating.
A traitor is someone who deserves hanging."
ASSBITER SHYLOW SAID: "Bongo, not to worry, Rust/Ringo etc. are all bark and no bite."
You should talk you whiney little faggot chihauhau.
You just sneaked out from your hiding place to try and bite somebody in the ass didn't you?
How about if you answer the question you little chickenbleep.
How do you Democrats suggest that the babies should be killed during their 3 month trial period?
"First posted by rustler45 (and echoed by true catholic and ringo stalin"
hey bongo homo are you finished whining?
bingo fairy has slithered back in, crying in his latte' that we have free speech and that him limp little lies didn't scare us.........poor sweet baby. answer me you little snot-ball how do you intend to kill those children....and will they be allowed to scream........ANSWER YOU LITTLE RAT!!
And true catholic wrote:
(quoting rustler45) They ALL need to understand that when we use the word TRAITOR it is meant with the full force of its definition and that we are not exaggerating.
A traitor is someone who deserves hanging.
(And then commenting) You got it, Rustler45.
Mahoney, Wuerl, George, should be the first to be hung. Then with most of the rest.
BINGO BONGO BUNGO THE TRAITOR SAID: "The intent and the contextual reference is clear enough."
Why you genius! You shoulda been a frickin' lawyer. You have certainly shown your expertise in your ability to cut and paste out of context to make your moronic point.
Tell me moron. How should a traitor be punished? Historically the courts have hanged them. Do you think the electric chair would be better.
C'mon nitwit tell me how to punish a traitor. I mean, a traitor should get a say in his just punishment shouldn't he?
and little johnny echo dittobrains aka Ringo Stalin, rtying to claim credit for the spewings of rustler45, wrote:
by the way bingo fairy rustler is not upsetting you with talk about the bishops...............I am...
Seriously, Katherine or Kurt, whoever you are, you really should report these guys to blogger.com and stop them from posting. It is no longer an issue of freedom of speech but rather one of inciting violence and advocating terrorism.
good since i don't upset you then answer me!!!! do it now or get out and shut up!!!
OK Democrats let's hear the two answers that we need.
1. The just punishment for traitors.
2. How to kill 3 month old babies.
Bongo, settle down man. You're going to be so upset that you won't be able to go to the gay bar tonight.
is banning us the only way you can deal with simple questions.....you are the one here wanting violence....now tell us about your child killing business. thats all i'm asking.
katherine or kurt or somebody .....you need to ban bingo fairy because he refuses to contribute anything of substance to the discussion and does nothing but cry about some site called bongos.com and refuses to answer our questions, ban him, ban him, BAN HIM!!!!!!
BUNGO FUNNY SAID: "Seriously, Katherine or Kurt, whoever you are, you really should report these guys to blogger.com and stop them from posting."
LIAR. You know who they are. They dragged you out of a gay bar just to come here and make your wildass outlandish accusations.
You need to sober up and dry out. Then you go to blogger.com and report yourself for interfering with an important discussion.
Dear Bongo Fury,
I am a trial lawyer. You have made serious accusations that anyone reading this blog can see are mere contortions of the truth.
You are now liable for serious charges of slander and calumny.
I suggest you apologize for your error.
Seriously, Katherine or Kurt, whoever you are, you really should report these guys to blogger.com and stop them from posting. It is no longer an issue of freedom of speech but rather one of inciting violence and advocating terrorism.
+ + +
The intent and the contextual reference is clear enough.
First posted by rustler45:
"We should be asking the bishops how they intend to kill the 3 month old babies. Nobody in this blog knows. Maybe the bishops do.
They ALL need to understand that when we use the word TRAITOR it is meant with the full force of its definition and that we are not exaggerating.
A traitor is someone who deserves hanging."
+ + +
Ringo Stalin, trying to claim credit for the spewings of rustler45, wrote:
"by the way bingo fairy rustler is not upsetting you with talk about the bishops...............I am..."
+ + +
And true catholic wrote:
(quoting rustler45) They ALL need to understand that when we use the word TRAITOR it is meant with the full force of its definition and that we are not exaggerating.
A traitor is someone who deserves hanging.
(And then commenting) You got it, Rustler45.
Mahoney, Wuerl, George, should be the first to be hung. Then with most of the rest.
+ + +
Disrupting a substantial discussion? You loons really flatter yourselves.
Rust, psychological care is available to help you cope w/your many inadequacies. It probably won't do you any good, but it is available! ...
take care, blessings
Ringo, he's not going to converse with us. Notice he is verbally challenged.
He also feels guilty about being a traitor and for voting for the murder of 3 year old children.
He's in his room now throwing his toys around and stomping his toy trucks and his Malibu Beach Barbie Set.
I can hear it now.
i just love makin' these liberal guitar heros wet their knickers!!!!
Get in here right now bimbo! You're toilet training is way past due.
Put up the toys and clean up your room!
What is wrong with you, ya little ninny?
Quit your whining and bawling or the neighbors are going think your mom broke your egg yoke or you peed your computer again!
Three stooges and your lawyer (ha-ha)...
Stand East, West, North and South under a tree with a rope hanging down between you all...
Piss up it and you'll find which way the wind is blowing.
BTW, how was that big demonstration at the Bishops' Conference today? YOU SLACKERS!
"Stand East, West, North and South under a tree with a rope hanging down between you all...
"Piss up it and you'll find which way the wind is blowing."
Bimbo, shut up that nasty talk. When your useless father comes home he's going to have some words with you and wash out your filty little mouth.
I am also going to tell him what you did with your Barbie Set and your toy trucks.
You are in trouble. Now leave those decent people alone and shut up.
Get in here and do your toilet training!
Now, I get it. You guys are really a hallucination from a Monty Python skit, right?
Really, how was that big demonstration at the Bishops' Conference today? C'mon, share with us how it went. Did the bishops quake or what? How many did you win over? You were bragging about it earlier. Now ante up!
That parrot's not dead, it's taking a nap.
Rustler45 said...
"Rust, psychological care is available...."
Oh wonderful. Shyter ...
... respond with ANY intelligence.
Rust, lol "respond w/ANY intelligence." No need to respond brother, let alone w/any intelligence, when all you spew is hateful nonsensical childishness !!!
As Jessep said to Kaffee in A Few Good Men "Please tell me that you have something more."
Rust, You can't handle the truth!
take care, blessings
p.s. (8) years of republican/conservative whining and SOUR GRAPES !!!
Praise The Lord !!!
16 years. Don't forget Hillary's two terms!
last night i said........."like mindless imps they slaver and grin as they dance among bodies of dead children and in ultimate confusion they imagine that we envy them."
please stop thinking that I envy your election victory I only shudder at your judgement will you spit, slobber, and giggle, before God as you do at us over this murderous victory? answer my questions.
ringo. you're a poet. not bad, actually. wrong-headed but decent flow.
but the only realizable goal is to reduce the number of abortions. and that will best be achieved under an Obama administration.
And where was that demonstration today at the bishops' conference? i was so looking forward to seeing some news footage of you mindfully dancing there.
you might want to change slaver to slobber, though.
What's this freakin' poetry crap, Ringo? You going soft and gay on me, now?
Where are you going to be when these extermination sites are set up? The same place you were during the bishop's conference today? At your computer station? A helluva lot of good that'll do. Lemme tell you sumptin' you sad excuse for a slacker, if there were ever such extermination sites set up, people like me who supported Obama will be there putting our lives on the line while you whine at your computer.
We're all just mindless Obamatons who refuse to see the impending reality of extermination camps for three year olds.
Whoa, it's not a Monty Python hallucination. It's a Big Lebowski hallucination. Where are the German nihilists?
No bongo, these slackers are the nihilists, there's nothing to be afraid of.
Rust, why so bitter!
Chill brother, hatred is a very unhealthy emotion.
Come out the darkness and be enlightened!
take care, blessings
not taking your defeat very well, are you?
"Barack Obama is our next president, which is very bad because he is a naive untested wealth-spreading terrorist-befriending ultraliberal socialist communist who will suddenly reveal his secret Muslim identity by riding to his inauguration on a camel shouting ''Death to Israel!'' (I mean Obama will be shouting this, not the camel) after which he will wreck the economy by sending Joe the Plumber to Guantánamo and taxing away all the income of anybody who makes over $137.50 per year and giving it to bloated government agencies that will deliberately set it on fire."
That last one was good, Rustler. Have you been over to http://www.americanpapist.com/blog.html ?
They need to hear from you.
Please make up for some of the damage you did by voting for Obama and sign the petition at fightfoca.com
"He then went into the sacristy and puked his guts out."???
Now now, I seriously doubt that. You did maybe ROFL
And, yes I love Obama and Biden. I believe in what they stand for, common sense. Oh what a pleasure to have an intelligent man in the White House for a change.
BTW...the Supreme Court decision doesn't rest on the presidential
election, it will stand.
Sarah Palin says "Just say no." She doesn't believe in sex education either. The condition of her 17 year old daughter shows us how well that works. Pure ignorance won't bring down the number of unwanted pregnancies. Education is the key. Speaking of ignorance the Alaska Governor might want to take a few grammer-school classes in Government before she opens her mouth again.
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