Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Vote the Common Good

Several Catholic Social Justice groups have launched the "Campaign for the Common Good".


They have some excellent voter education matierials on Catholic Social Justice Topics:



Anonymous said...


Rustler45 said...

And we all know what "social justice" means. Catholic Marxism.

Anonymous said...

rustler45 - wait, maybe I was reading the wrong Bible, but I don't recall Jesus teaching anything about Catholic Capitalism. I do recall a hefty handful on the beatitudes and let's be honest, our current state of "capitalist" affairs does not provide much in the way of support for the poor, the hungry, the meek, or (GASP) the peacemakers. The government works for "we the people" - why shouldn't it reflect a grand scale of social justice?

Rustler45 said...

Dear Anonymous, are you that ignorant? A criticism of Marxism in not a defense of Captalism. John Paul II, as a matter of fact, to the dismay of many conservatives condemned Capitalism. I agreed with him and have always been of that opinion. Go here and read about Distributism:


It is the Catholic system of economics. Never heard of it? I wonder why.

Do you even know what's wrong, in principle, with Capitalism? You best do some research. Only Catholic sources will be of any benefit.

"The government works for "we the people" - why shouldn't it reflect a grand scale of social justice?"

Because it is basically Marxism. It doesn't really reflect Catholic social teaching. It uses only enough to have the appearance of such. All those programs are full of Marxists and dissenters. On occasion you will find one that is truly Catholic.

BTW why are you so fearful that you post anonymously. You don't really deserve an answer, but for the benefit of those who wonder your same thoughts I gave an answer.

Rustler45 said...

DEMOMARXIST SAID: "Are you really that retarded (no personal offense meant to Palin's baby)?"

RUSTLER45: You did mean personal offense. If you didn't you wouldn't have made reference to her baby. That makes you a liar. In addition it proves what a low-life scum you really are.

Rustler45 said...

Hey, where's DEMOCATHOLICMARXIST? He wants substance and when there is substance he's hiding.

C'mon Demo, tell us how much you learned in your propaganda based indoctrination about Distributism?

I also noticed Mr. Anon high-tailed it right on out of here.

CatholicsForDemocracy said...

"Hey, where's DEMOCATHOLICMARXIST? He wants substance and when there is substance he's hiding.

C'mon Demo, tell us how much you learned in your propaganda based indoctrination about Distributism?"

I would actually be in support of the Distributism model. Thank you very much.

Rustler45 said...

DEMO SAID: "I would actually be in support of the Distributism model. Thank you very much."

Now just how do you intend to apply it to Marxism?

Rustler45 said...

COWARDLYANONYMOUS: I do recall a hefty handful on the beatitudes and let's be honest, our current state of "capitalist" affairs does not provide much in the way of support for the poor, the hungry, the meek, or (GASP) the peacemakers.

Hey CA, Peaceniks are never peacemakers. Socialists never support the beatitudes. They only have two tools in their toolbox and they are force and violence. They take by force and violence everything they want. The peaceniks that you would like to call peacemakers were always ready to use destruction and violence to get their way. The beatitude of charity that YOU speak of is your taking someone else's property and giving it to yourself or someone else undeserving. You're a thief and liar and a murderer. Please keep the beatitudes of your filthy mouth.

The peaceniks were NEVER against war. They were only against our killing the communists who were committing atrocities against innocent people usually just because they were Christian.

Anonymous said...

i'm new... expectancy to brief nearly more oftentimes!