Our friend E.J. Dionne offers this very insightful analysis:
[The President] was right, finally, to reach a compromise that respected the legitimate concerns of each side. He should have done this at the outset, but far better late than never....
Liberal Catholics were proud to stand with conservatives in defending the church's religious liberty rights in carrying out its social and charitable mission. Now, we'd ask conservatives to consider that what makes the Gospel so compelling -- especially for the young, many of whom are leaving the church -- is the central role it assigns to our responsibilities to act on behalf of the needy, the left-out and the abandoned.
And we'd ask our non-Catholic liberal friends to think about this, too. Many of us agreed that broad contraception coverage was, as a general matter, a good thing, and we shared their concern for women's rights. But we were troubled that some with whom we usually agree seemed to relish a fight with the church and defined any effort to accommodate its anxieties as "selling out."
Read it all here:
This is not a good Compromise ...If the catholic Church and organizations offer this insurance that provides contraception , it will be the tool that allows for more cafeteria Catholicism , Hard core Catholics as well as the lay faithful will loose hope and confidence in the Church .....there will be a mass exodus.....
Thank God there was no Liberal Catholics around Nero's time. They would likely praised Nero for giving Roman citizens free tickets to see Christians in Coliseum .
Women who use contraception disgust me.
"reach a compromise that respected the legitimate concerns of each side."
Tell that to Cardinal Mahoney and the rest of the bishops.
Obviously, there are still much more "legitimate concerns" not addressed by this so-called compromise like the government telling a Church that their healthcare plan has to offer the pill (Category 1 carcinogen) and other described "medication" that can cause abortion. What we have witnessed here by the current administration is an accounting gimmick, a shell game if you will.
Katherine, I see you still have your Marxist/Catholic site up.
"the government telling a Church that their healthcare plan has to offer the pill"
No Churches ever had to offer the "pill" to employees and now neither will parachurch organizations.
Let's restate it by saying that faith based organizations like Catholic hospitals, universities, and other charities should not have to have a healthcare provider offer "anti-life services" like the various forms of contraception including those that cause abortion. Many hospitals are self insured so what is their option??
This mandate should not be even applied to the average businessowner who does not want to provide these "anti-life services".
Pregnancy is not a disease.
there can be no compromises when it comes to religious freedom. All Catholic hospitals and schools will close before we murder one unborn child.
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