Sunday, October 12, 2008

Early Returns from Rome Look Good for Obama!

From Rome: Archbishop and Nun Speak Out for Barack Obama

Sister Cecilia Gaudette, an American citizen living in a convent in Rome, has registered to vote and says she will vote for Democrat Barack Obama. "I'm encouraged by Senator Obama," she says. "I've never met him, but he seems to be a good man with a good private life. That's the first thing. Then he must be able to govern," she adds. Sister says she is very hopeful for world peace. Sister might also be Senator Obama's oldest supporter. She is 106 years old. May God keep her well!

I thank Fran for alterting us to the statement of Archbishop John Onaiyekan of Abuja, Nigeria, that he would “obviously” vote for Barack Obama if he could cast a ballot on Nov. 4. The Archbishop also stated that if Obama was elected "it would have a good impact for the United States on the rest of the world. It would mean that for the first time, we would begin to think that the Americans are really serious in the things they say about freedom and equality and all that."

The Archbishop is currently in Rome for the World Synod of Bishops. He is the primary spokesman for the African bishops.


  1. I saw the nun's story, but I hadn't heard about the Archbishop. That's refreshing, for a change! Thanks!

  2. I could not embed the video on this site but hopefully this link works:
    This is the nun's story

  3. Yes indeed, young/old, black/white, yellow/red, protestant, catholic, jewish, muslim, atheist, agnostic are flocking to OBAMA'S LOVE TRAIN !!!

    People all over the world are Rejoicing !!!

    take care, blessings

  4. The man behind the whispers about Obama being a secret muslim

    Isn't it ironic that this man who is an anti-semitic nutjob who could not even get admitted into a state bar as a lawyer because of his psychological instabilities was able to sow so much fears among religious voters. What does it say about the character of those of us who took this story as fact despite proof of the contrary?

  5. I have a feeling the archbishop doesn't know Obama's stand on life issues.

  6. Kathy --

    If you read the interview, you will see he was directly ask that question and responded fully. Certainly you or I can respectfully disagree with the Archbishop. He clearly was giving his personal opinion and not suggesting any Catholic had any moral obligation to agree with him.

  7. That a Black bishop from Africa endorsed Obama means nothing more than there will be one more bishop in hell.

  8. Kathy said..."I have a feeling the archbishop doesn't know Obama's stand on life issues."

    I have a feeling the bishop is a communist.

  9. "I have a feeling the bishop is a communist."

    right. a pro-abortion, multiple wives, jungle communist

  10. Aha! There it is!

    What if he'd been a white Bishop, *gasp?*

  11. Praise the Lord you are alive,your Mother said yes to life and understood your rights starting in the womb. Obama is clearly not for life.

  12. Cut us a break Katherine. You are destined for hell for trying to confuse Catholics. Shame on you.

  13. It is most encouraging to read about the 106-year-old nun and about the Archbishop, both of whom see the truth that Obama is the better candidate because he will do the most to help those among us who are suffering from the greed brought upon us by the right wing Republicans. I cannot understand why many of the Catholic clergy in the United States (including my own pastor, may I add) so blatantly "campaign" for the right wing extremist Repbulican candidates who clearly have absolutely no empathy or compassion for the poor and the struggling middle class in our country. I am a Catholic who is proud to be supporting Barack Obama and Joe Biden, two good family men. I am outraged that Joe Biden, a devout Catholic, is being held in contempt by many priests and bishops of our Church!


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