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Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Our first and most fundamental freedom is the right to self-governance. For all its shortcomings, democracy protects liberty better than any alternative, something the Catholic bishops did not accept in Spain, 1936.
For all of the negative ads, comments, postings, and rants as well as the oft offered claim that we are choosing the lesser of two evils, in fact we had two very honorable and decent men running for President. Governor Romney's concession speech was gracious and in keeping with the best traditions of our Republic. And the President was very kind (as well as accurate) in noting that not only has Governor Romney contributed to the betterment of our nation, but also his parents, George and Lenore.
God bless America. God bless the President. Best wishes to Governor Romney. And please remember in your prayers the departed souls, especially George and Lenore Romney.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Being a holyday, I took a break from campaign work for the President's re-election to go to Mass here in Cleveland. Nothing inappropriately political at the Mass, thanks be to God. The dioceses of Ohio have generally been good in not politicizing the liturgy, earning them the wrath of the Right-Wing, some of whom have been sending nasty letters to the bishop.
Coming into the church, however, was a guy passing out a "Pro-Life Ballot" published by Ohio Right to Life. You might be interested to know that opposing congressional redistricting reform is a pro-life issue. It is "anti-life" to take away from politicians the task of drawing their own political boundaries. Who knew?
I can say that few of the Mass attendees had any interest in the propaganda, some made clear their displeasure. Some took the materials and quickly discarded it. I "volunteered" to clean up the church and picked up the trash left in the back so no one would mistakenly think this was authorized material.
It is an important lesson that those Catholics committed enough to attend a workday Holyday Mass have little interest in the anti-Obama, partisan propaganda put out by the Right-Wing.
Ohio is looking good.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Pope Calls Health Care An ‘Inalienable Right,’ Urges World Governments To Provide Universal Coverage
At an international papal conference on health care yesterday at the Vatican, Pope Benedict XVI and other Catholic church leaders said it is the “moral responsibility of nations to guarantee access to health care for all of their citizens, regardless of social and economic status or their ability to pay.” Saying access to adequate medical care is one of the “inalienable rights” of man, the pope said, “Justice in health care should be a priority of governments and international institutions”.
The pope lamented the great inequalities in health care around the globe. While people in many parts of the world aren’t able to receive essential medications or even the most basic care, in industrialized countries there is a risk of “pharmacological, medical and surgical consumerism” that leads to “a cult of the body,” the pope said.
“The care of man, his transcendent dignity and his inalienable rights” are issues that should concern Christians, the pope said.
Because an individual’s health is a “precious asset” to society as well as to himself, governments and other agencies should seek to protect it by “dedicating the equipment, resources and energy so that the greatest number of people can have access.”
In a separate statement, Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, said, “Justice requires guaranteed universal access to health care,” adding that minimal levels of medical care are “a fundamental human right.” “Governments are obligated, therefore, to adopt the proper legislative, administrative and financial measures to provide such care,” the cardinal explained, saying that, “The governments of richer nations with good health care available should practice more solidarity with their own disadvantaged citizens.”
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Catholic Republicans often demand that Catholic voters set aside concerns such as worker rights, racial fairness, world peace, social justice and care for the poor to vote solely on the abortion issue. While many Catholics reject the idea that every other issue needs to be forgotten about, increasingly even when just considering the abortion issue, some Catholics are concluding President Obama is the better candidate. Mitt Romney has more positions on abortion than fingers on a hand, but most recently said he had no abortion issues on his agenda should be become President.
Professor Charles J. Reid, who teaches law at the Catholic St. Thomas University makes the case that Obama is the pro-life candidate here:
And in another article, it is reported many Catholics say President Obama is actually a pro-life hero.
More here:,_pro-life_hero
Polls actually show that a substantial number of pro-lifers are voting for the President. Romney has also caused concerned among authentic pro-life Americans by his opposition to controlling Mercury and other poisons that cause abortions for pregnant women.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
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