Wednesday, October 10, 2012



The GOP presidential nominee told the Des Moines Register yesterday that he doesn't intend to pursue legislation to restrict abortion if he is elected president. "There's no legislation with regards to abortion that I'm familiar with that would become part of my agenda," Romney told the Register's editorial board.

Romney's position on abortion has changed over the years, and has been at the heart of charges that he flip-flops on issues. When he ran for Massachusetts governor in 2002, Romney said he would "preserve and protect" a woman's right to choose an abortion.

Romney's new statement confirms the assurance his sister gave to women delegates at the Republican National Convention that Romney would never take away a woman's right to an abortion.

On other issues related to the lives the unborn, Romney is considered a danger to many social programs that help mothers choose life for their unborn child.  He also said he would repeal a recent EPA rule on Mercury that saves as many unborn lives as the number of surgical abortions in this country.  When the question of termininating unborn life has been not by a woman in a problem pregancy but by Big Business, Romney has a strong pro-abortion record as seen by his profiteering from an "abortion waste" company as well as by the Mercury abortion issue.

This blog also finds the President's views on abortion disappointing, but finds little difference between the two candidates in what they would do. 


OhioSlovak said...

The question every serious Catholic needs to ask is "Do you support Romney's 2:00pm position on abortion or his 10:30 am position?"

Kurt said...

Major scandal within the Catholic Right. "Catholic Vote" and other GOP front groups have gone silent on this. Amy chance to attack the President they do within an hour, but they can't find time to comment on this.

just jake said...

How do they get away with claiming to be non-partisan, thereby getting tax exempt status?

Mother of Five said...

No one can ever again say with a straight and honest face that a Catholic must vote for Mitt because he will stop abortion.

Anonymous said...

Not hearing a whole of explanation of this by Romney's Catholic supporters. Wat's up?

Anonymous said...

Still Nothing from Romney's Catholic hacks.

Anonymous said...

Why are Catholics here trying to support Obamas pro-abortion stance versus Romney's anti-abortion stance which is more in line with the Catholic Church? Catholic in name only.

Anonymous said...

Both Obama and Romney are personally opposed to abortion but do not have any changes on their agenda.

Anonymous said...

One of the reasons I don't watch EWTN anymore is because of their constant criticism of President Obama. They never mention the mess Bush got us into with that Iraq war and they never say anything negative about Romney or Ryan's policies. I can't stand that World Over Live news progam thay have. I get so mad sometimes with EWTN's bias that I prefer not to watch them in order to keep my blood pressure normal. I guess EWTN is a network that has gone wrong.