Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Biden Ryan House party header

The Catholic Vice Presidential Debate:

An Historic Moment - Two World Views of the Catholic Social Justice Tradition and Public Policy

Thursday, October 11, 2012

An Historic Day-50th Anniversary of the
Convening of Vatican II

Host or Attend a Catholic Debate Watch Party

Pre-Debate Conference Call: 8:00 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. EDT

Vice Presidential Debate: 9:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. EDT

More information here: http://www.tfaforms.com/259490

(UPDATE: Sr. Simone Campbell will be on the conference call)

Dear Friends,

Thursday, October 11th will be an historic day. For the first time in American history, two Catholic candidates on the presidential ticket will debate each other. Vice President Joe Biden and U.S. Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI) will have the opportunity to speak to the American public about their vision for the future of the country.

In addition to this first-time political event, October 11th is the 50th anniversary of the convening of Vatican II under Pope John XXIII as well as the 20th anniversary of the promulgation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church under Pope John Paul II. The debate and the day, taken together, will provide a special context for the stark contrast between Vice President Biden and Rep. Ryan as it relates to their different world views on public policy and the rich Catholic Social Justice Tradition.

We know what inspires Vice President Biden as a Catholic political leader. In his book Promises to Keep, Vice President Biden wrote, "the nuns were my first teachers.... they taught reading and writing and math and geography and history, but embedded in the curriculum also were the concepts of decency, fair play, and virtue." We also know who Representative Ryan looks to regarding political morality. In 2009, he filmed a video in which he said, "Ayn Rand, more than anyone else, did a fantastic job of explaining the morality of capitalism, the morality of individualism, and this to me is what matters most."

Many of you have told us the sense of alienation you feel within the Church today, and for many, even in your own parishes. So we're offering you a reason and a means to join in solidarity with other supporters of Catholic Democrats on this historic day. Please let us know if you would like to either host or attend a house party for the Vice Presidential Debate by completing The Catholic VP Debate & Conference Call Request Form (it only takes a minute). We will connect you to one another by early next week in consultation with those who volunteer to host an event. If you are so inclined to host an event, please know that it is easy and just requires offering a little hospitality to some kindred spirits.

Additionally, we will also sponsor a conference call prior to the debate to help provide you with some additional context in light of the two world views - represented by Vice President Joe Biden and Rep. Paul Ryan - on the Catholic Social Justice Tradition. The conference call will feature a special guest that we will announce in a few days. Participation on the call will be on a first come, first serve basis, as space is limited.

October 11th will be an important day for Catholics, our nation, and the life of the Church. We are looking forward to sharing it with you and to help you share it with one another. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at info@catholicdemocrats.org.

Warm Regards,

Catholic Democrats

PS Please consider making a donation at this time to help us serve you and to make sure that the Romney-Ryan budget and tax plan will never hurt millions of the most vulnerable in our society and to promote a network of vibrant Catholic Democrats communities that advance the common good across the country.


  1. I will say that the Obama campaign has more activities for it's Catholic supporters than the Romney campaign.


No bad language or taking the Lord's Name in vain. If in doubt, say a 'Hail Mary' before posting.