Friday, January 30, 2009


Best of luck to the Pittsburgh Steelers and our fellow
Catholic for Obama, Dan Rooney!!


  1. Although my dad was born in PA ~ Osceola Mills and as a child rooted for the Pirates ie Roberto, Willie, Matty Alou, Mannie Mota etc. and could pick up the games on KDKA channel 2 if the atmospheric conditions were just right, I digress. And my dad's family reunion was in Tyrone, near Altoona every August ...

    And I root for Penn State, except when they are playing Ohio State. Yes, even though I have deep PA roots I really don't care who wins, but since the Steelers already have (5) Super Bowl wins and would have (6) if not for Neil O'Donnell, again I digress.

    Sooo, it's the American way to cheer for the underdog, hence, ergo, therefore go Arizona Cardinals!!!

    take care, blessings

    p.s. as Bob Prince would say, I hope the Cardinals win by a gnat's eyelash!

    Also, let's get this football crap out of the way, so I can concentrate on speed week at Daytona!

    carry on

  2. Congrats Steelers on your 6th Super Bowl Win!!!

    btw, James Harrison from Coventry, Ohio who went to Kent State and Roethlisberger from Lima, Ohio who went to Miami U. and Santonio Holmes who went to Ohio State and caught the winning touch down pass were the stars.

    alas, always an Ohio connection ...

    take care, blessings

    p.s. I can see Kent State U. from my apt. window and of course Jack Lambert went to Kent State also, I digress.

    Should have known better to go against Obama on this game, although his job approval rating has slipped from 77% to 75% lol

  3. "Should have known better to go against Obama on this game, although his job approval rating has slipped from 77% to 75% lol"

    The 2% being Cardinal fans! hahah!

  4. His job approval has nowhere to go but down. Another tax cheater in his cabinet...the honorable Tom Daschle.

  5. "Should have known better to go against Obama on this game, although his job approval rating has slipped from 77% to 75% lol"

    I don't know where the hell they get this 75% approval. They aren't asking any of the people I know or who I run into in the store, on the street, at church or anywhere else. My poll gets him a zero. Everyone is pissed.

  6. Ha, russy. says a lot about who you hang out with.


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