Tuesday, December 2, 2008


President-elect Barack Obama has recorded a radio ad that will hit the airwaves today in support of the Pro-Life Catholic Democratic House candidate in a Louisiana runoff.

Caddo Parish District Attorney Paul Carmouche is running for Congress against Republican John Fleming this Saturday for the Shreveport-area seat vacated by Rep. Jim McCrery (R).

It was a major embarrassment to the GOP that a run off was even needed in this historically conservative Republican district.


  1. And when republicans get wiped out again in 2010 more embarrassment!

    As Peggy Noonan stated, dubya has destroyed the republican party! ~ thanx George :)

    take care, blessings

  2. Go Carmouche !!!!!!!!

    Support our new president!

  3. Time: Obama can't keep both pro-life & pro-abortion camps happy
    Color me not surprised:

    Amy Sullivan, National Correspondent for Time Magazine, says that during the election season pro-Obama religious liberals felt "thrown under a bus" by the Obama campaign.

    Many had gone out on a limb to say Obama favored abortion reduction. But the campaign then went into a minor panic after Sarah Palin's selection, fearing she would help attract independent women to the Republicans. So Democrats began running ads emphasizing traditional support for abortion rights sans abortion reduction. This infuriated pro-life Obama supporters who had gone out on a limb.

    Subsequently, Obama and Joe Biden talked more about abortion reduction. But in an interview we did for Trinity Wall Street, Sullivan -- the nation's foremost expert on the religious left -- argues, that Obama will have a difficult time retaining the trust of pro-life Obama voters, while still satisfying his pro-choice supporters. (Steve Waldmen)
    I wonder if this makes me the "nation's foremost expert on the religious left."

    Because I've been saying this since day one.

  4. This blog is dead. Close it down.

    You're finished.

    I won.

  5. You don't get it, do you Rusty?

    In case you not read the news, Obama won. He is our new President.

    Anyway, for readers of this blog, as you may have noticed, Katherine and I are putting up an occasional post but not the daily posts we were doing before the election. We will continue some postings until January 20th and then evaluate where we go from there.

    This blog has served its primary purpose. Barack Obama has been elected President (yay!!!!!). A majority of Catholics voted for him. (YAY!!!!!)

    Rusty is right. He won. We also won. The American people won. We are all winners.

    God bless America. God bless the President Elect.

  6. Yea, this is the icing on the cake!!! How appropriate, Rust's last post at Katherine's blog, he uses Anonymous or as I like to say, another sheepish mouse!!!

    Rust, hope your loser withdrawal symptoms aren't too bad!

    Yes indeed, Change has come to America! Barack Hussein Obama will be the 44th President of the United States of America!!!

    Yes We Can!!!

    Rust, enjoy the next (8) years!!!

    take care, blessings

  7. Darn right we won. Biggest defeat for the Republicans since 1964!

  8. And I suppose this makes Obama pro-life?? That is a good one.

  9. I wonder, was it a major embarrassment to the Democrats when Catholic, Republican, Pro-life Anh Joseph Cao won the district including New Orleans which has been Democratic since 1890, defeating the corrupt William Jefferson? Probably not they are witnessing the meltdown of another one of their own in Illinois. Thanks Guv.

  10. It was a major embarrassment to the GOP that a run off was even needed in this historically conservative Republican district.

    Really? Nice spin job. The fact is that the district is conservative leaning but not guaranteed. Given that both candidates are conservative pro-life, pro-family it is no "embarrassment" to see a close race.

  11. Obama is no more Pro-Life now than he was before--he's just campaigning for a DEMOCRAT, no matter what his leanings. After all, Carmouche would be "a voice crying out in the wilderness" of the Pro-Choice Congress.

  12. I wonder, was it a major embarrassment to the Democrats when Catholic, Republican, Pro-life Anh Joseph Cao won the district including New Orleans which has been Democratic since 1890, defeating the corrupt William Jefferson? Probably not

    You would be correct, not much of an embarrassment. The House Democratic Caucus had stripped Jefferson of all his committee assignments (unlike the GOP with Stevens) and the National and Louisiana Democratic parties refused Jefferson any support in his election.

    Cao is a good guy, supported by many Democratic leaders and only joined the GOP last year. He is liberal on many issues and there even is some talk he may switch to the Democratic Party.

  13. Cao won because of Jefferson's corruption and low voter turnout. If he wants to get re-elected in (2) years in the +28 Dem district he will switch back to Dem for the 2010 election, otherwise he is toast and should enjoy his two years for all it's worth.

    Cao will most certainly will be a footnote in congressional history if he doesn't switch back to Dem. btw, switching parties is the norm in LA, much like corruption! lol

  14. "He won. We also won. The American people won. We are all winners."

    Yes, Obama won. We won't know for awhile if the American people won.

    But we know those of us who are pro life are definitely not winners as Obama is the most pro abortion candidate to ever be elected.


No bad language or taking the Lord's Name in vain. If in doubt, say a 'Hail Mary' before posting.