Sunday, December 21, 2008



  1. The pick of Rep. Hilda L. Solis, D-Calif., a Congressional Hispanic Caucus leader considered to be one of the most reliably pro-union voices in the House, was hailed as a victory by communist and socialist leaders.

  2. And Red Rustler cried all the way home and had a luxurious dinner with his greedy fat cat CEO friends. After dinner they all lit up bit fat stogies and talked about how to stick it some more to Bob Crachit and the other workers. But Crachit and the other workers are organizing a union and Obama is president!

    Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

  3. The pick of Rep. Hilda L. Solis, D-Calif., a Congressional Hispanic Caucus leader considered to be one of the most reliably pro-union voices in the House, was hailed as a victory by communist and socialist leaders.

    What "communist and socialist leaders" would that be, anon? Somewhere, Joe McCarthy is smiling.

  4. "What "communist and socialist leaders" would that be, anon?"

    All of them.

  5. Solis is a great choice. The Catholic Labor Network has lauded her appointment.


No bad language or taking the Lord's Name in vain. If in doubt, say a 'Hail Mary' before posting.