Tuesday, October 14, 2008



Presidential candidate Barack Obama has come out in agreement with the U.S. Catholic bishops on the important issue of health care coverage. Senator Obama agrees with the Church leaders that health care "should be a right for every American."

The Catholic bishops have called health care a "fundamental human right" and an "urgent national priority." The Catholic Church in the USA has supported universal health care longer than any other social actor, going back to 1919 -- before even the American Federation of Labor or the Socialist Party endorsed it.

Senator Obama's position is long standing. As an Illinois state senator, Obama introduced the “Bernardin Amendment,” which would have inserted language from a pastoral letter by the late Roman Catholic Cardinal Joseph Bernardin into a universal health care program. The amendment contained Cardinal Bernardin’s teaching: “Health care is an essential safeguard of human life and dignity, and there is an obligation for society to ensure that every person is able to realize that right.” The bill, which did not pass, was to be funded with money taken from tobacco companies.

The Senator does not support a government run program like in the UK. His health care plan relies on economies of scale, based on large numbers of people choosing to enroll in the same kind of health insurance plan that covers the U.S. Congress if they are unhappy with their current coverage or don't have any. It leaves an importan trole for Catholic and other faith based health care providers.

McCain's plan is to tax employer sponsored health care and would result, in the opinion of many experts, with the end of broad insurance plans but with families paying most of their costs out of pocket. Dr. Patrick Whelan, a respected Catholic layman and leader of Catholic Democrats said "Sen. McCain's plan to tax employee health benefits just like all other income is a radical experiment that could result in an additional 20 million working people losing the health insurance they currently have."


  1. Obama and the Catholic Church close, if not in total agreement, on just about all the important issues.

    As the Bible says, WE ~ ARE ~ OUR ~ BROTHER'S ~ KEEPER !!!

    take care, blessings

  2. Ok Shiloh,

    The following is snark for anyone too serious.

    Wait for Rusty, Kathy and Anon. They will tell you nothing else matters but ABORTION!!!

    Hunger-Let them die as long as they don't abort any babies.

    Poverty-That is their fault. Don't abort any babies.

    War-It is necessary to kill innocent civilians. Don't abort any babies.

    Torture-All is well as long as you don't abort any babies.

    Capital Punishment- They deserve it as long as you are not aborting any babies.

    Their motto: Brother's Keeper-Let's keep him/her from having Abortion. Then he/she may die.

  3. Yea Marie, as I have said previously, it's damn nice that Katherine lets these few one trick ponies continue to post on her blog even though they add nothing coherent to the conversation being discussed.

    Katherine has mentioned she lets Rust continue to post on her blog because he is a good advertisement for not voting republican!

    This of course assumes anyone is actually wasting their time reading his posts. lol

    Bottom line, no one is in favor of abortion, but many feel strongly that women should have the right to choose for whatever reason that applies to an individual case.

    Many of these same fanatics who are totally against abortion for any reason are the same folk who would never lend a hand to help stop the genocide in Darfur or the aids crisis in Africa.

    I call it selective Christianity! ie hypocrites. They spend all their time on the internet railing against this or that ie trolls instead of trying to do something constructive in a real life situation.

    It's easier to hide by anonymously typing something on a keyboard instead of using one's time constructively helping people in their own community.

    take care, blessings

  4. "The Catholic bishops have called health care a "fundamental human right" and an "urgent national priority." "

    And just what do you expect from a bunch of socialists that can't even get the Church's position right on voter responsibilties.

    The bishops are contradicting the Church's position on all the issues. But of course it's what you little Marxist "useful idiots" want to hear.

    Ya'll need to visit the Ad Majorem website and do your reading over there.

  5. This article is proof that there are a NUMBER of significant issues facing catholic voters this election...

    There is some fruitful discussion and a plentiful amount of resources concerning Faith and Voting available at http://www.mycatholicvoice.com/group/Voice+Your+Vote

    This election is critical on many issues...

    Speak up and "Voice Your Vote... let your voice be heard!

  6. I rarely use analogies to the Holocaust because I feel they cheapen the horror of what happened under the hands of the National Socialist (NAZI) Party, but I cannot help but seeing one after reading this blog and it's comments.

    Supporting Obama is like the Germans saying they support the social, economic and environmental policies of the Nazi party even if they don't like the fact that the Nazi's support the mass murder of the Jews, Christians and other "undesirables."

    Come on people, abortion is not the only issue that is important, but let us keep this in perspective. The 48 million humans ripped from their mothers' wombs since Roe vs. Wade is the worst atrocity in human history. Any politician that supports the killing of the smallest and most innocent of our species on such a massive scale cannot possibly make life better for the rest of us humans.

    The best health care, the best economy, the best social justice system means nothing to the millions of Americans that never made it out of the womb or never will.

  7. I rarely use analogies to the Holocaust ...but I cannot help but seeing one after reading this blog and it's comments.

    Supporting Obama is like the Germans saying they support the social, economic and environmental policies of the Nazi party even if they don't like the fact that the Nazi's support the mass murder of the Jews, Christians and other "undesirables."

    Come on people, abortion is not the only issue that is important, but let us keep this in perspective. The 48 million humans ripped from their mothers' wombs since Roe vs. Wade is the worst atrocity in human history

    So, Rebecca, you would support Nurenberg-like trials for women who have had abortions?

  8. The level of delusion on this blog is beyond belief:

    Punished with a baby.

  9. So, Florentius, YOU think it is GOOD thing for unmarried 15 year olds to have babies?

  10. Dearest Sam,

    I point out the government sanctioned mass murder of 48 million Americans that your candidate supports and your only response is some pathetic question suggesting that I would want to throw all of the women who have had abortions in jail.

    Way to dodge the issue.

  11. Rebecca,

    I take that as a "yes."

  12. Dearest Sam,

    Once again you have skirted the issue by putting erroneous words in my mouth. What about the millions of Americans that have been killed since Roe vs. Wade, arguably the worst atrocity in human history and the fact that the candidate you support not only wants it to continue but would enshrine it as a "right" in the U.S. Constitution? And how do you reconcile that with the Catholic Church teaching on the sanctity of life?

  13. Rebecca, while Obama supports abortion rights, McCain says that he does not, and yet has done nothing to stop it. Further, he approved pro-choice Supreme Court Justices.

    How is there a difference? Implicit v. Explicit?

    Don't tell me that you drink the McKool-Aid....

  14. Katherine wrote: "So, Florentius, YOU think it is GOOD thing for unmarried 15 year olds to have babies?"

    Did I say that? No, 15 year olds should be studying and learning their catechism. But if they do make a "mistake" and have intercourse before marriage, it's better for them to have the baby than kill it.

    Two wrongs don't make a right. Heck, even most Jesuits understand that level of morality.

  15. Yes, you did say that. Senator Obama said that young girls should be taught morality and the facts of life so they do not have babies when they are unmarried and young. You took issue with Senator Obama.

  16. Rebecca,
    You say it is the worst atrocity in human history and then you object to criminalizing the people who abort their babies. Okay, maybe there is a case that pastoral, supportive means, particularly those in which we can get a quick and broad social consensus should be considered first rather than criminal means.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Katherine said: "Yes, you did say that. Senator Obama said that young girls should be taught morality and the facts of life so they do not have babies when they are unmarried and young. You took issue with Senator Obama."

    Please point out precisely where I said it was good for 15 year old girls to have babies? It's not a good thing when any woman becomes pregnant outside of marriage--but carrying such babies to term is much better than murdering an untimely, unplanned unborn one in utero.

    Face it, your candidate, Barack Obama, thinks that babies are punishments. He said so plainly for anyone to see. He is an abortion extremist who voted against a ban on the hideous procedure known as partial-birth abortion and also voted "present" on a bill that would have protected infants born during a botched abortion from being killed by neglect ex-utero.

    There is no way to reconcile that mindset with Catholicism. None. If you are attempting to do so, you have put your politics ahead of your Faith. And that is truly, truly sad.

    I will pray for the conversion of your heart. Please watch Eduardo Verastegui's video Dura Realidad before casting your vote. It's medicine for a spiritually confused soul.

  19. Flortenus,

    As a mother, i find is absolutely obsence that you can say it is a good things for 15 year old unmarried girls to get pregnant. where is your decency? Senator Obama was absolutely right that young girls should be taught morality and the facts of life so they they DON'T get pregnant. You can celebrate unmarried teenage pregancy all you want, but I agree with Seantor Obama that this is not a good thing.


No bad language or taking the Lord's Name in vain. If in doubt, say a 'Hail Mary' before posting.